Napier recently attended inter airport Europe 2017, one of the biggest airport exhibitions to take place every two years in Munich, as an opportunity to fly out and visit its baggage handling and logistics systems client BEUMER GROUP.

The event brought together over 600 exhibitors; all the important players that make the world’s airports what they are, which includes everything from producers of industrial brushes that sweep the runways, to airport IT services.

The augmented reality set-up.

Napier’s visit to the BEUMER GROUP stand was greeted with an impressive display of technological leadership. The forward-thinking team presented an augmented reality set-up which demonstrated the capabilities of BEUMER baggage systems, and what the future of technology-lead airports would look like.

The stand was also turning heads with virtual reality as visitors stepped into a world that immersed them into a real-life, working example which demonstrated the abilities of BEUMER’s tote-based system in allowing complete baggage tracking from drop-off to pick-up.

Napier supported BEUMER’s presence at the show by providing a host of PR activities including messaging, a pre-show press release, setting up meetings with Editors on the stand, and follow-up actions.

Whilst the Napier team worked their way around the exhibition, taking notes of various ideas for the future of the industry, such as the use of autonomous vehicles, it became obvious that as technologies develop and become more accessible, the question isn’t when they will be used, but how soon will they be used?

Account manager Chloe using the virtual reality headset.



  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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