Google Analytics is an important tool to use in digital marketing. It allows businesses to measure results of campaigns, compare data and a whole lot more. Google Analytics shows data from all channels that are pointing traffic to a website, such as: PPC, social media, direct traffic and SEO.

The ability to monitor and analyse platforms pinpoints what is working well and what isn’t. Having data in one place makes life simpler and allows you to easily look at metrics such as click through rates and monitor your ROI. Google Analytics lets you evaluate the following:


Analytics is a great way to show customer engagements, it will allow you to see how users are interacting with your site and content. Bounce rates, session duration and pages are also great features to investigate, for example, the amount of time spent on a page or percentage of visitors navigating away from the site. This gives you an indication of performance and areas to improve on.


As well as knowing how many visitors your site has received, it is important to know how many of these visitors are converting. Google analytics allows you to set up goals to track when a user carries out an action on the site. No matter how many users each channel is driving to your website, it is important to know that this traffic is converting.


With the importance of mobile first ranking, sites need to be more mobile friendly and Google Analytics allows you to learn more about who makes up your website traffic and where the traffic is coming from. The platform will also allow you to know if something needs changing or not depending on the number of visitors and or conversions.

At Napier we have a Google Analytics Link Generator that will ensure you create a link that’s in the right format to transfer data across correctly.  Use the tool to enter the details of your campaign and receive your Google Analytics coded link.

Try out our generator today and let us know how it worked for you!


  • Natalie Adams

    Natalie is a Marketing Specialist at Napier, who helps out on a variety accounts with a focus on digital work for our clients.

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