‘What’s New in Electronics Live 2019’ has now opened for visitor registration, and will be taking place from the 18th-19th September 2019 at NAEC Stoneleigh in Stoneleigh Park.

NAEC Stoneleigh is a new venue for WNIE Live, and recently provided potential WNIE Live exhibitors an opportunity to take a closer look at the facilities on offer at the venue, and to witness the business innovations and opportunities available in the thriving midlands area.

This year, the event will cover topics on Embedded, Engineering, Design and Manufacturing. WNIE Live will provide visitors with the chance to witness hundreds of new products and showcase the industry’s innovation in action.
Claire Saunders, Event Director commented, “Attendance at the event held in 2018 was up by 10% compared to the previous year. With free parking and a wider scope of exhibitors, we are confident this comprehensive event will be well attended by industry influencers and decision makers alike.”

For more information or to register for WNIE Live 2019, please click here. 






  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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