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UK Embedded Show Postponed to 2021

We recently wrote a blog announcing the new UK Embedded Show, due to take place on the 14th May at the Windmill Village Best Western Plus in Coventry.

We were unsurprised to hear that the organizers have made the decision to postpone the show. Now taking place on 13th May 2021, the event invites the close-knit community of Embedded professionals and engineers to come together and explore new ideas and technological advances.

Tanya Jane, Marketing Manager at Hitex, commented “I took the decision to move UK Embedded back by a complete 12 months for several reasons. One was the lack of space in the calendar for the final portion of the year. With many other events in the same boat, I did not want UKEmbedded to get lost in a saturated event marketplace, with everyone clamouring for the same audience. However, the bigger reason behind the move brings me back full circle to where my thought process for the conference started from – the first half of the calendar year is empty in terms of embedded-focussed events. The embedded industry needs focus all year round, not just in one 3 month window in Q3 and 4.”

Here at Napier, we were pleased to hear that the event had been postponed rather than cancelled, and we look forward to hearing all about the event and the great feedback we are sure it will receive when it is able to take place next year.




  • Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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