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Napier’s Webinar: Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for LinkedIn

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Social media continues to play an increasingly important role in communicating with customers, especially in the current climate of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the B2B industry, LinkedIn is arguably the most vital platform to connect and engage with your audience; yet we often hear marketers ask how do I market successfully on LinkedIn?

Napier recently held a webinar ‘Tips, Tricks and Best practices for LinkedIn‘, which covers what you can do to be successful on the platform. We address:

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Napier Webinar: ‘Tips, Tricks and Best Practices for LinkedIn’ Transcript

Speakers: Mike Maynard

So hi, everyone, and welcome to our second webinar. And I really appreciate you joining us for this LinkedIn tips and trips work webinar. One thing to say is that the chat in the webinar system is open. So if you have any questions or would like any more details, please do place a question in the chat. And what I’ll do is I’ll address those at the end of the webinar.

Okay, so obviously, with the COVID crisis, and with lots of people at home, there’s been quite a lot of attention on social media for reaching audiences in b2b technology. And in reality, though, we’ve actually seen b2b technology as having huge results and huge benefits from using LinkedIn as a social platform over the past few months. So, it’s not a new thing. It’s not related to people actually being at home is definitely related to LinkedIn, becoming more of a media platform that brands and companies need to understand in order to get the best reach to their potential customers. So, what are we going to talk about? Well, the first thing we’re going to talk about really is something that requires an investment. LinkedIn requires time, and actually, LinkedIn requires a lot of time if you want to be effective. So, it’s certainly not free media. However, what we’ve seen is when people do LinkedIn correctly, then it’s definitely worth the effort.

So, this webinar will talk about, you know how you can get results from LinkedIn, with a reasonable amount of time and energy from your site. Within LinkedIn, though, there’s two areas that you need to look at. One is your personal LinkedIn profile or indeed personal LinkedIn profiles of executives in your company. And the other is your company page. So this is the page that covers the information about your organisation. So we’re going to look at those two areas separately. And then lastly, we’re going to look at some ideas really to get you started. So our top five tips, tricks and ideas for LinkedIn, to give you some ideas of what you can do with LinkedIn, and how you can make it more effective for you.

So the first thing to do is to look at getting results from your personal LinkedIn profile or the personal LinkedIn profiles of your executives. Now, LinkedIn is interesting, because it gives you a profile that is absolutely unique to you, and is very much seen as your standard business profile. Obviously, LinkedIn started as fundamentally an online CV service, really focused on recruitment. But today, it’s really a huge opportunity to increase your influence in your industry. And perhaps the most important thing to say is that LinkedIn is highly democratic, it’s not just a platform for senior execs or specialists. It’s a platform that everyone can see success with. So let’s look at you know, some other questions. I think most of you are familiar with LinkedIn, and how it works and the ability to post updates and create articles. But the first thing everyone says to me, is, how often should we be posting? And the answer is, there’s no good answer, unfortunately. But it’s really important to be relevant, rather than being frequent. So our view at Napier is that you should post as often as you’ve got something useful and interesting and valuable to say. And for different people, that will mean very different posting frequencies. So there certainly is no ideal, or they typically we see people posting, you know, somewhere between a couple of times a week, to every two weeks in the b2b tech industry. And to be honest, if you can’t post something interesting, useful, you know, every other week, then perhaps you ought to look at a little bit about what sort of information you’re going to share because you need some frequency to keep engagement with your audience. It’s really important to understand your approach and we’re going to talk about a model we use here at Napier have different personas.

So different types of LinkedIn users that all offer different approaches and different ways to engage on LinkedIn. And there is no best or right way to work with LinkedIn, it very much depends upon you know what your company wants to achieve the goals of your company or your organisation. and the value you can add. And obviously, you know, if you’re in marketing, you’re probably not going to be posting content that relates to, you know, in-depth issues around developing software, for example, you’re going to talk at a higher level, so it’s about the value you can add. And also, it’s about the audience you’re trying to reach and making sure that you reach an audience that is important and influential to your business. But also you reach that audience with content they care about. Now, the interesting thing about LinkedIn is that when you share something, it initially gets shared with your network, and then will get shared with other individuals networks, if they engage with it. So if they like it, or comment on it. And this typically means that a lot of people look at the algorithm and say, well, the more people in my network, the more likely people are engaged, the better it’s going to be for me. But actually, as the graph here shows, there really is very little correlation between the number of connections you have on LinkedIn. And the average amount of engagement. This was some research done for an organization called the agency collective, and actually found a slight negative correlation. Although, of course, with agency managers, there tended to be people with very, very large networks of thousands of individuals. But certainly, once you get above 1000, individuals, it certainly seems that there’s very little benefit in increasing your network size. And the reason for this is you’re then not sharing content with people who really know and care about you. So a smaller network of a few hundred can actually get those early engagements. And this can drive your post to go viral and be much more effective than having a huge network. So a really important takeaway is not to focus on the size of your network, but to focus on the quality.

The other really important thing this is fairly obvious is what you’re going to post and this is where we use the personas I mentioned earlier, there are a number of different approaches to posting. And the approach you take will have different impacts in terms of you know how much engagement you might get, but equally, also how much time you have to spend.


So, the first persona we’re going to talk about is a PR publisher. This is a persona that simply shares content that looks good from a PR perspective. So quite often news and announcements from their organisation. And sometimes, you know, information about the wider industry in which they work. This is actually a great persona, because it’s a relatively low time and low effort approach, because all you’re doing is sharing content that may already be available, you can see here. In fact, we’ve got Petra, who’s sharing content that’s been published on the Tektronix, Germany company page. So literally just resharing content. And it’s easy to dismiss this as just, you know, reshape existing content, but actually, it’s incredibly valuable to do. And it’s massively underestimated, particularly amongst sales teams. So, when you share content on your company page, and we’re talking about this a little bit later, typically, it has a very limited reach. If you can get people within your organization, and particularly the sales teams who’ve got great contacts and great networks, within customers and prospects, that can massively amplify the impact of content that you’re sharing on your company page. So, although the PR publisher is an easy and simple persona to be, it’s actually can also be incredibly valuable. Of course, the PR persona isn’t really talking about themselves. So, there’s lots of different personas that really build you as a brand rather than you as a channel to share information.

So, the first one we talked about is the storyteller. and here we can see someone talking about actually getting rejected from Google for a scholarship. Typically, the storyteller will tell stories that are, you know, either very honest, very brutal, maybe self-deprecating, as this example does, or simply some funny stories to engage people. And quite often, the storytelling approach is also coupled with some sort of clickbait. headline, it’s great, it’s really interesting. It does require someone who fairly obviously is good at telling stories. So it’s not an approach for everyone. But if you’re an organization where you can openly talk about, you know, some of the challenges and mistakes that the organization makes, and you’d like writing in the story format, then this is a good persona to engage people, it’s highly engaging. People love to hear the honest the truth, the behind the scenes stories.

The next one is the thought leader. And I think in technology, this term thought leader becomes very hackneyed. So, we have a very specific view of what we mean when we talk about thought leaders on LinkedIn. And for us, a thought leader is someone who researches ideas. So, they may be looking at data or run experiments, and they create their own ideas, and their own data that therefore results in an opinion. So you know, quite often these thought leaders, you know, curate some information, and then generate some original content on top of it. And I think, you know, the thought leader is, is a great persona to be, particularly if you’re in a fast moving industry, where things are changing all the time. And everybody’s interested in the latest research. However, it goes without saying that to generate real thought leadership, on LinkedIn, you’ve got to generate new insights that other people haven’t shared previously. And so that requires a huge amount of work, including basic research to actually generate data that you can share. In some industries, it’s a lot easier. So for example, if you run a company that offers an email platform, for example, it’s very easy to do research on the length of subject headlines and the open rates. And, you know, really basic data like that. But if you’re working in an industry where you’re making complex technology that goes into large systems, like many of you guys are, that it’s very hard to generate that research, and therefore very hard to generate your own thought leadership. The next persona I’m going to talk about is someone we call a strategist, it’s really common in agencies, and actually, is almost non-existent in b2b technology, to the point that when I was looking for an example, I couldn’t find an example of someone taking this approach in b2b tech. So I think it’s a huge opportunity. But it’s also difficult because we are by our natures working in quite a conservative industry. And the strategist basically provides analysis and commentary on what’s happening in their industry. So they are continually talking about other brands, what they’re doing their products, and providing analysis that helps you understand what these brands are doing and how they’re serving the industry. In conservative industries, it’s obviously very difficult to talk about your competitors. And I think this is why we almost never see it and b2b technology. In the agency world, it’s very, very common, and every agency loves to have a commentary on either another agency’s campaign, or indeed what’s happening to a brand that they’d like to work with. So it works very well in the agency world, it’s very hard to transfer into b2b technology. Although I’d love to see it done one time.

Our next platform is the knowledge share, the knowledge share is actually quite like the PR persona I shared earlier, where we’re sharing information. And typically, the differences that knowledge share, is actually sharing news about the industry, rather than sharing news about their organization. So that is the primary difference between the two. But both of these personas are simply curating information. So to gain influence and actually see your posts you know, shared across an industry, if you can share knowledge and information other people don’t have. It’s an incredibly effective way to actually become an influencer on LinkedIn without spending a huge amount of time generating your own content. So those are the kind of personas we look at.

It’s worth also just mentioning the content types, and I did allude them earlier. And fundamentally, there are three sorts of content that you can place on LinkedIn, other than your profile page. And the first is articles, articles, in theory are unlimited. Although various people have run tests and found there are character limits on articles, but basically any sensible length, article about technology can be posted as an article. articles we find have much less engagement and are not favoured by the LinkedIn algorithm, which is very interesting. So LinkedIn tends not to push them, you get a little bit of engagement from them, but not a huge amount. However, articles have a massive advantage in the articles at evergreen content, they’ll stay associated with your profile. And because you’d typically write fewer articles, you’ll actually see those articles near the top and quite often on your homepage. So we definitely recommend that everyone who wants to build their profile on LinkedIn, generate some articles that they post on the platform.

Most of the content on LinkedIn is post. So that can be links to others content, or indeed links to your own content. You know, obviously, don’t be too promotional. If you’re just seen as outlets selling, you won’t get engagement, you won’t build an audience. But you can certainly share content that exists either on your company’s website, in the industry media, or perhaps from analysts. And these posts are the main body of what people do on LinkedIn. So pushing posts out is a great way to share information with your audience and build that influence. There is a downside to post is that LinkedIn does tend to prefer content that is on the LinkedIn platform. So certainly when you post, you shouldn’t be putting multiple links into the text that you use along with your URL. So just share one URL, don’t put multiple links in. When you’re posting content through the post system. It’s important also to know that video is clearly and without doubt the most effective content today on LinkedIn. So it generates far more engagement than any text based or image based content. I did say there were three sorts of content.

The last thing and something I think that is very important not to forget, is the engagement that you conduct on LinkedIn. So this is the liking the sharing and the commenting. And what we found is that people who are active on LinkedIn, and are engaging with other people’s content, as well as promoting their own, are far more effective than people who simply push content out and don’t engage with other people’s content. So I guess a lot of the audience, perhaps isn’t the younger tik tok generation. And one of the things that I certainly heard, as a bit of frustration was when LinkedIn started introducing hashtags. So obviously, everyone likes a good hashtag. It’s a great way to summarise what you’re doing, for example, trying to hashtag success. But interestingly, on LinkedIn, unlike many other platforms, it appears that you don’t need to use hashtags. And this is some research that showed a surprising spike on three hashtags. I suspect that was because people who are good at LinkedIn just tend to try for three rather than three being the magic number. But the second most impactful number of hashtags was zero. So, whilst hashtags are good, it’s quite clear as you start stuffing or post full of hashtags, you’ll actually see the engagement drop for your posts. So, if you want to use hashtags, absolutely. But I would certainly recommend not using more than three, as a maximum number of hashtags.

The last thing said about content is to be creative. This is something one of our clients has done. And it looks like, you know, a fabulous glossy page, talking about a new technology. In fact, this is their press release. And all this client smart much of technology has done is use a tool to create a much more engaging format. So they’ve pulled out key quotes from the release. They’ve got some really striking imagery. And then they’ve literally just pasted the reason it doesn’t look like a press release. It feels much more engaging. And so certainly, I would say if you’re looking to link back to content, look at how you can make that content more interesting and more engaging. And something like this approach is absolutely fantastic. I think its incredibly creative approach, and it’s something that I think takes about 20 to 30 minutes per release to do to create this layout. So it’s very straightforward, and if you want information on how this is done, then please do ask us afterwards.

So just as a summary, I mean, how do you get engagement and obviously, like any other social network, if people aren’t liking or sharing your post it, it won’t get shared by the network, the level of interest is judged by the interaction. So, um, you need to make sure that people engage with your content. So some fairly obvious things. The first is, you know, be social doing engage with other people, if you engage other people’s content, they are much more likely to engage with yours. Secondly, being boring doesn’t work. And this goes back to the frequency, be relevant, be interesting, just don’t worry about frequency. And don’t feel you have to post something and end up posting a boring post, just because you want to fill in a slot, because you need to post twice a week, it just doesn’t work. And a really good tip for LinkedIn is to give the inside of you. LinkedIn is a social media platform. It’s not a formal means of communication. And lots of your customers and potential customers love to see the inside story. So just draw back a little bit on the formal corporate approach. And give a little more of a fun and interesting view about what it’s like to be inside that company. And then lastly, you know, where you can have fun and obviously understand, you know, this is very dependent upon your, your industry. You don’t want to be, you know, crazy and fun and wacky, and then try and sell life support systems that isn’t going to work. So you need to have fun within the context of what fun will be defined as for your industry not to be the craziest, or the most out there person on LinkedIn.

The second half of our presentation, we’re going to talk a little bit about company pages. And company pages, had a bit of a bad rap recently from LinkedIn. Lots of people are feeling that the value of the company page has been diminished because LinkedIn certainly is not promoting company posts, as much as they’re promoting posts from individuals. However, we still think company pages are very important not only as a, effectively a directory page that gives an overview of your company, but also the platform on which you can build to get a social presence for your brand or your company. So, the first thing to say is that company pages aren’t quite as simple. There are actually two sorts of pages you can create for your company. The first is called a company page is the official page of the company. And it’s basically an overview of the whole organization. The second type of page is called a showcase page, and you can create a number of showcase pages that focus maybe on a specific market, or a specific product or group of products. The great thing about this is that you can use the company page to broadcast more general information about your organization, the company’s accomplishments, and then you can use the showcase pages to narrow down and focus on specific audiences and deliver tailor messages for people who are interested in specific areas of your business. So this is a very exciting way to get more focused with your LinkedIn activity.

So here’s a couple of examples. We’ve got the Napier company page on the left. And then on the right, we’ve got a showcase page, where we talk about our content generation activities. And what we do is we post you know, typically slightly different information on the content generation page that we post on the company page. Although we do quite often post content on where they’re widely applicable. When you create the company page, and when you create the showcase page, it’s really important to make it easy to find and this is a simple, straightforward SEO job. So it’s all about using the right keywords that people are going to be searching for when they try and find a company like yours. So very much thinking about what people would type into the search box that you’d like to generate your company as a as a result. And as a tip here we’d certainly recommend you some of these keywords in the tagline that you can put into both the company page and also in your showcase pages.

It’s really important to test when you when you use LinkedIn, and certainly you can do this on an individual personal page, but it’s much more easy to see what’s working on a company page. So you can test things like frequency, the topics of work and the format’s very, very easily. So we’d strongly recommend that you test because every audience is different, although as rules of thumb, you know, if you produce content, that’s slide based PowerPoint, and you create SlideShare presentations from that, or you create stories around your product or service rather than just talking about the products and service itself. or indeed, video content. And behind the scenes content, which I’ve mentioned earlier, all of these will perform typically better than average. So it’s all about creating content that’s gonna perform well.

Now, I mentioned that the company pages aren’t emphasized posts on company pages aren’t as emphasized as much as they used to be, and LinkedIn is more focused on posts from individuals. This is certainly true, but actually, you can use your team to amplify posts on your company page. And it’s incredibly important to expand the reach of your company page, by using employees and particularly sales to share comments and engage with that content. Because whenever they do that, that content then has the opportunity to be shown to their network, as well as the people following your company page. So it’s incredibly powerful. I would say you know, it is also incredibly difficult. Most companies struggle to get really good engagement, even from the sales team, I have a lot to gain from sharing content. But if you can make sure that the content you offer is you know, really valuable to customers, and also high quality, that’s going to help your team share, as well as giving a good impression of the company to the wider audience.

Company pages have something else that’s quite unique. LinkedIn will let you target posts. So this is incredibly useful. If you serve a range of different industries and can’t have showcase pages for each industry. Or, for example, you want to post content that’s applicable only to one country, or one region. So, you simply need to select the drop down when you create a post and change it from anyone to targeting an audience. And then you can select from any one of these demographics. So you can say that you only want to send this post to people with a marketing job function, for example, or an engineering job function or a purchasing job function. And you can select language. But actually, you know, one of the tips we recommend, rather than selecting language, actually, quite often, it’s better to select by location when you’re talking about language. So sometimes that can get better targeting than you do through language, because we see some people on LinkedIn defaulting to English where maybe that’s not their only language. So that’s a really quick updates on, you know, company pages and how to make use of them. And we really believe that there’s a big future in company pages, but it does require people in the organisation to amplify the content you’re sharing through that company page.

Let’s look at you know, finishing the webinar with just a few ideas of how you can improve your LinkedIn presence very easily. So here are a few tips and tricks to help you boost the engagement.

And the first is customization. I mean, please don’t underestimate the value of even asking the audience what content they want to see. So, sharing questions on LinkedIn that lets you understand the content that’s most likely to generate engagement. And perhaps more effective than asking people their opinions is actually to look at the data. And so absolutely, analytics and data are incredibly important. And do feel free to, you know, either alter or update existing content to make it more topical, more relevant and more interesting. And I would say as well that with LinkedIn, it’s really hard sometimes to get data. LinkedIn has very limited API’s to allow you to access data. So, it can be quite a manual process to understand what’s working and what isn’t. But it really is worth the effort.

The next tip is thinking about your company page as a lead generation page, a lot of people who land on your company page will land there through search. So, it’s very easy to think of a company page as an about us page. And actually, there’s an opportunity to change that and make the page much more a lead gen platform. So thinking about putting offers on the page, you know, making sure you have the complete profile, of course, to increase the likelihood of discoverability. But also think about what a customer would want right at the start their journey, when they find you and perhaps know little about you, what information will they need? And how can you get them to start engaging with the company, and ultimately, generate contact details and drive them to become leads. So really think about the customer journey when you build your company page, and LinkedIn has an interesting feature that we definitely recommend trying, it’s possible to put a button on all your forms, this is not forms on LinkedIn, or they can do this on LinkedIn. But this is any form on your website, you can put a button that will auto fill people’s details with the information on their LinkedIn profile. It’s great because it’s a one button fill, and it certainly increases conversion rates on landing pages. However, I would say you must test this, because we found that whilst it can increase completion rates, on the forms and conversion rates on landing pages. And actually, sometimes these autofill forms can generate low quality leads. So when we’ve tested this as Napier, we’ve actually found it better to leave the button off. But other people in other industries have absolutely found the autofill button to be incredibly valuable. So we’d certainly recommend, you know, running some tests to see if the autofill button can actually increase your lead generation activity.

I mean, obviously, you want to promote content that builds engagement, not only because engagement is a great indication that people are enjoying and reading your content, but also engagement is what allows amplification of your content. So, it’s all about you know, doing something that’s a little bit different. So maybe that’s a How to post a post with tips in the title, perhaps it’s a top 10 list. Perhaps it’s a post that builds on some research your organization has done perhaps has infographics or video. Or perhaps it’s something fun and different. For those in the audience who are not engineers, but marketers by background, I can assure you asking a D type connector, whether it’s dead or not really is very funny to engineers, even though may not be funny to anyone else in the world.

The next tip is to pay for promotion. And we’ve talked almost entirely about organic LinkedIn in this presentation. But I think that you know, the important thing to remember is that LinkedIn is a business. It’s a big business with some of the smartest people in the world working for it., and their job is to make sure that the platform extracts money from other businesses. So, we would absolutely recommend spending money. It’s very hard to get traction, particularly organic company posts. But also, LinkedIn is incredibly good at targeting particular audiences very, very accurately, and is probably the best ABM says account-based marketing platform that we’re using at the moment in Europe. And quite often with our clients, LinkedIn advertising generates the best return on investment of any advertising. So it is valuable in itself. But it’s also important to be part of your mix. If you want to get organic success, so we recommend a mix of payment, and also focus on organic LinkedIn as well.

And then the last tip, and I think I’ve mentioned this a couple of times, but don’t forget, it’s social media. It is slightly different from Facebook. We had a client once who said to me, they said, you know, you’ve got to understand with Facebook marketing, that people go onto Facebook to waste time. And the job of brands on Facebook is to help them waste time. And I think that’s great. It is different on LinkedIn. People do go on to LinkedIn because they want to learn, and they want to find out what’s happening in their industries. So it is certainly you know, less laid back less fun than Facebook, but it’s still social media. And so this is really important to make sure you create a social feeling. So comments on others to actually build an audience of people who want to come in and your content. And also, this is something we see people failing to do. And it is a really big mistake, definitely respond to comments on any of your posts, that is a massive, that generates a massive impact in terms of creating future engagement. So that’s our bonus tip, be social, be friendly, and just go out and talk to people on LinkedIn.

So that concludes the presentation, the overview. As I mentioned earlier, if people have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer them. I just have a look and see if there’s any questions that have come through on the chat so far.

Okay, so we have a couple of questions come through. So the first one asks about showcase pages, and whether showcase pages are free to use?

And the answer is yes, showcase a showcase pages are hundred percent free, there is no cost in doing that. So they’re incredibly helpful, because they give you a another way to segment your audience. So not only can you segment by choosing an audience when you post, but you can also choose to post a particular showcase page. And it’s absolutely free. There’s no cost involved.

Another question is whether there’s an ideal time to post. And this is something we get asked quite a lot of great question. And I think the answer is quite often, there is an ideal time to post. But it is very dependent upon, you know which industry you’re in, and the type of audience you’re trying to reach. So I saw a presentation by LinkedIn last year, where they were talking about somewhere between seven and eight in the morning, particularly in the States, as being the ideal time to post to get engagement because people tend to look at their phones, and try and work out, you know what’s going on in the world first thing in the morning. Now, of course, this was American research. And it’s not that simple to post between seven and eight, because America spans multiple time zones. So it gives you an indication of the challenge of winter post. My recommendation is definitely to, to run some tests. And it’s something to be honest, we don’t have data on since the COVID crisis hit, and people started working from home. But I suspect that optimum times may be changing as people change their work habits.

Okay, and then the last question I’ve got is whether the slides and the audio will be available after the event? And the answer is yes, absolutely. We will save the web recording of the webinar. We’re recording it now. And it will be available as an on-demand replay.

Okay, I’ve just seen some more questions come in. So I’m just going to pick another couple that I can answer. Okay, so we have another question about targeting. So being asked whether you can target regular updates, as well as sponsored updates? And the answer is yes, you absolutely can target regular updates. The sponsored update gives you slightly more options in the way you target. But if you have a look when you post on a company page. And just to be clear, you can only target on company page, not on your personal update. And you will have the drop down which lets you select the audience so you can build a custom audience. So that’s absolutely possible to target organic posts.

And we have a great question actually about the inside view. So I think maybe I didn’t explain this very well. This is something a lot of agencies do very well. And I would say a lot of b2b tech companies don’t do at all is provide a view of what it’s like inside the company. And so this can range across all sorts of different things. So it’s anything that your customers might be interested in. So customers, you know, certainly might be interested in, you know, how you design and develop products and the engineers that do that. They might be interested in the manufacturing, but also they might be interested in things like strategic decisions you make you know, if you choose to launch a product or not launch a product, that sort of thing is is fascinating to your customers. Obviously, you know, you need to be very careful about the sort of information you share. But the more information you can share that kind of gives that, that context about why the company does certain things, and also that the viewers to who’s doing it and gives the company a real personality, all of this, you know, really helps to make your customers more engaged and more interested in your organization.

Okay, and now, I think this is the last question. And this is a great question. This is a question on groups. We haven’t covered groups, mainly due to time in this webinar. But for those of you don’t know, you can form groups within LinkedIn, that allow people to discuss topics. And I think the answer to groups is somewhat like everything else, if you’ve got the time to create a group and manage a group and ensure that the group is having, you know, high quality engaged discussions, some of the groups are amazing. And the reality is the vast majority of groups in LinkedIn, have either, you know, fallen almost into, you know, complete lack of use, or, you know, really don’t have high quality discussions. So if you can build a group on LinkedIn, that has the right people who are prepared to share information, groups are fantastic. And they are an excellent way to, to talk to people who are either customers or potential customers. And particularly if you build a group around a key topic in our industry, that can be a great way to build not only your company’s reputation, but also drive sales leads. One thing worth mentioning about groups is, you know, I’ve said it takes a lot of effort to actually build a group. And you can actually target groups, you know, for example, if you want to target a paid sponsored post, you can actually target that sponsored post to a group that somebody else runs. And this can be incredibly powerful to reach other people’s audiences. So it’s an interesting approach on sponsored posts, and certainly something worth considering if you’re interested in the idea of a group, but you don’t have the resources to moderate and manage and maintain that group.

So thanks ever so much for listening. I hope everybody found it useful. Thanks for so many great questions. Really good, insightful questions about LinkedIn. And as I say, we will make this presentation available as a recording, so you’ll be able to see the presentation online, download it whenever you want. And if you have any other questions, please do feel free to contact me. You can email me at Thanks very much, and I look forward to talking to you when we do our next webinar.


  • Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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