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WNIE Launches Open House

What’s new in Electronics Online (WNIE) has announced the launch of its ‘Open House’ platform, introducing a new method for companies to reach key contacts and promote their businesses.

With the current COVID-19 pandemic affecting usual working practices, the industry has had to adapt to a new way of sourcing new products and services; and to meet this need, WNIE has launched WNIE Open House, a virtual platform which showcase’s companies expertise or products. With a series of fortnightly virtual showcases, the ‘Open House’ offers companies the opportunity to share content such as product launches, webinars, technical demonstrations, or technical articles.

Companies can choose when to go ‘live’ within the designated time and the slot is then promoted to the WNIE database via weekly newsletters; daily social media feeds and dedicated e-shots, with the content then hosted on the WNIE website after the showcase date.

WNIE is another great example of the industry adapting to the new current reality, and offering companies digital replacements to the opportunities they have lost in the absence of face to face meetings and trade shows.

For further information on the ‘Open House’ and how you can take part, please check out the website, or call +44 1428 609 382 to find out more.




  • Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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