The Italian web community Elettronica TECH has announced a new publishing partnership with Wisse Hettinga, producer of The IoT Radar, an independent video production company with a strong focus on the Internet of Things and related technologies such as Edge Computing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Consisting of a series of weekly video interviews, The IoT Radar is hosted on the Elettronica TECH website, with the aim of informing and engaging electronics engineers, and hardware and software developers. With videos no longer than five minutes per interview, the series provides ‘first-hand’ information to help professionals in the IoT ecosystem from design, production and integration through to research, and educational companies and publishers.

It’s always interesting when a publication takes a unique approach when interacting with their readers, and here at Napier, we think its great to see Elettronica TECH use The IoT Radar to educate and inform their readers.

To find out more about The IoT Radar series, and to watch the interviews that are already live, please click here. 


  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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