In this podcast episode, we interview  Chris Willis, Chief Marketing Officer at Acrolinx, an AI-powered software that improves the quality and effectiveness of enterprise content.

Chris shares his journey to joining Acrolinx, his top tips for content generation, and how the platform helps increase the alignment and consistency of content for an organization.

Listen to the podcast now via the links below:

Transcript: Interview with Chris Willis – Acrolinx

Speakers: Mike Maynard, Chris Willis

Mike: Thanks for listening to marketing b2b Tech, the podcast from Napier, where you can find out what really works in b2b marketing today. Welcome to marketing b2b technology, the podcast from Napier. Today, I’ve got Chris Willis, who’s the CMO for Acrolinx. Hi, Chris. Welcome to the podcast.

Chris: I’m Mike. Thanks for having me. I’m excited to be here.

Mike: So Chris, you’ve done some interesting things in your career. Can you talk about, you know, what you’ve done and how you’ve ended up at Acrolinx?

Chris: Sure. I think, you know, interestingly, I started my journey in technology, in web development. So not so much the traditional marketing track, started with light coding moved into some Java user interface experience. And that moved me to Europe, I ended up living in the Netherlands. And while I was there working for KPMG, I shifted to an account manager role. Because that’s what people that develop front off user interface experiences often do is I’m going to go and sell in Europe. And when I moved back back to the US, I’ve got some light development, I’ve got some sales, moved into product management. And then one day at a company, I was at the room spun. And my corner of the room was marketing. And I was attracted to that. Because from a creative background, it allowed me to do interesting things to drive real world results, quickly learned that measurement is super important, the only way that you’re going to get budget from anybody is if you can prove value. So became very data driven. And since then, have been the CMO at four different companies. And in addition to that, just because it’s fun dimension, I’m also a crossfit coach. So lots of interesting things going on.

Mike: Yeah, I saw that. And I realised that actually, I’m a little out of shape. So maybe I’ll talk to you about training afterwards. Perfect. So I mean, Acrolinx isn’t necessarily one of the best known marketing tools, can you just briefly explain what it does.

Chris: So we’re AI powered software that improves the quality and effectiveness of enterprise content. And what I mean by that is, it captures a business’s writing guidelines, whether it’s an entire organisation, or a department, or even a team catches those guidelines, the way they want to write content, and make sure that everybody that writes content aligns with those guidelines. So think, quality, brand compliance guidelines, so it can be correctness, that it’s written correctly. It’s the right grammar, the right spelling, but it can be consistency, it can be scannability. from a brand standpoint, tone of voice, the way that you want to communicate the level of liveliness or formality to your content, the clarity levels of of your content, who are you writing for? What level of education does that reader have? And can you write to that clarity level, in addition to things you would expect, like brand terms and brand language, and then from a compliance standpoint, things we don’t say, you know, depreciated terms, inclusive language, legal terms, and being able to in a first draft guide writers to write that way. It is essentially increasing the alignment, and singularity of the voice of the content for an organisation.

Mike: So I guess, as marketers, one of the first things we worry about when we hear about these kinds of systems that control what’s written is, you know, is it restrictive and Acrolinx grew out of R&D in Germany, which perhaps is not best known for its freedom in terms of writing. You know, so why did it come from Germany? And does it really restrict what people can do when they’re writing?

Chris: Okay, two questions. So why did come from Germany, British founder living in Switzerland, doing his PhD programme in Germany, working with a DFK AI, which is Artificial Intelligence Lab. That’s why it came out of Germany. But the other reason is, because the genesis of this business really is working with large European product manufacturers around aligning consistency across their technical documentation and product manuals. So think in terms of, you know, on a product manual, you might talk about how to connect a battery on page one, page 36, page 372, and elsewhere. And can we be consistent about how we talk about connecting a battery? So it made sense that this was started and lives headquartered in Germany, based on the need for that kind of governance inside manufacturing businesses. As to the second part of the question. We don’t make decisions for writers So the guidelines are there, and we provide them. Let me give you an example. In my last business, we were a testing company, we were a mobile software testing company who sold to DevOps. Because we sold the DevOps, we didn’t want to use the word test. We weren’t used to word quality. DevOps folks don’t see themselves, developers don’t see themselves as QA testers, they’re building quality software.

Now, I can’t even tell you what we did without using the word test. When writers in my organisation would create content, undoubtedly, they would use the word test all over that content. What we do, what agrilinks will do is go in and say You said test, did you mean to because what we generally say is quality. And it’s now up to the writer to say, but actually, in this case, I did mean test. Or, you’re right, this is customer facing content, where I’m talking about an idea of quality, I’ll shift this to quality, we have the ability to do that change autumn, automatically, we can automate that process. But because of the creative aspect of writing, we can’t always know what you meant, what the context is. So we can guide you to align, we can guide you to be better, we can guide you to be within those guidelines. But we don’t want to take those draconian measures of just changing it for you, because that could dramatically change what you mentioned. Right?

Mike: That’s interesting. So I mean, Acrolinx is actually if you like working with the writer of the writer produces their content, rather than checking finished pieces.

Chris: It can do both. So there is a sidebar that runs within any authoring environment. So you could open up Word and have your sidebar, obviously, Google doc sidebar, but Adobe products, Madcap flare wherever you’re creating your content inside CMS systems, for instance. And so as you write, you can check your content, and it comes back and says, Hey, this is really hard to read. Here’s some reasons why. And what you get is essentially a scorecard. And that scorecard will take you through your quality flags. This is written incorrectly from a consistency standpoint, this isn’t working for us clarity level, you this unclear hard to read of your off tone of voice, please use these words, don’t use these words, and you end up with a score. And that score represents your global alignment to that piece of content. You’re also getting each piece of guidance and saying these are the changes you need to make. So you can write, write, write, check, go back and make changes and see your score improve. We also have companies that use the product completely automated. So write write, write, write, write check in to a repository, and let’s say overnight, that content is checked by accurate links, and a scorecard is delivered alongside it.

Mike: So effectively, you know, Acrolinx, is understanding the content, I guess that’s the AI bit and checking against certain rules or requirements. And how much effort is involved in setting up the rules as to what constitutes a particular companies style.

Chris: So there’s, there’s a couple different ways that we manage that capture process. One is a company knows it. So the way that I think about it is that every owner of content, whether it’s at the enterprise level, or in the silo, whether it’s in tech docs, or marketing, or wherever, everybody has a whiteboard, and that whiteboard has everything that they think they want to write about the way that they want to communicate their quality, brand compliance, all detailed up there. And the problem is, it’s on a whiteboard in their office, so nobody can see it. And if they could see it, we don’t really have writers anymore, we have people that come to work, and a byproduct of us coming to work is the creation of content. So we don’t all follow that we’re just trying to get things down on paper to be done with something and move on to the next thing. And so what we do, what the product does, is it just consumes all that right off the whiteboard, if you know that will pull all that information into Acrolinx and set up guidelines based on that.

Now, not everybody knows those guidelines, right? So another way that we can manage that is to take what you think is objectively good content, like what what’s working for you what what represents you the way that you want to, and we can read that content, and then pull out guidelines from it. And then it becomes a discussion of Do you agree that this is the content that you want? And what you end up with? Is this set of guidelines? What’s a guideline? Good question, Mike, I’ll tell you, the easiest one to understand, is top level, we’re all gonna spell the name of the company, right? What if we could do that? Like, what would that save us? If we worked at a complex company that sometimes uses you know, one word sometimes these American Express are my AmEx and my American Express and my aes involved in this? Do we always use the same do we say American Express the first time MX after that, how do we manage that? And so first rule, we all say the name of the company, right? Done. Fantastic. And if you understand that guideline, everything flows down from there, then it’s, you know, we say this, we don’t say this, we want this level of clarity. We want this tone of voice, and how do we create a tone of voice? If our tone of voice is I want to be witty, but wise and not arrogant? How do I turn that into actionable guidelines. So if I want to be conversational, I want shorter sentences. I don’t want to do big long run ons, I don’t want marketing language, I don’t want buzzwords, I want to use you and yours. So that I connect with the audience. And that all becomes the rules that people are essentially using to develop their software, their their content.

Mike: The SAS, I think it sounds like, I mean, you’re almost creating a style guide for a company, would you ever see companies who bring their style guide, you then run the tool? And that the company goes, Oh, we should have had that in the style guide, or we should have added that?

Chris: Yep. And most all of our customers do have a style guide they use and they can actually import that into the platform. Or they can build alongside that.

Mike: So the obvious question is, if you’ve got a style guide, why doesn’t that work? Why doesn’t that ensure consistency?

Chris: Well, back to the statement I just made, most of our writers aren’t writers, they’re people like you and I that come to work and know something, we’re subject matter expert for something in our business. And most people have never seen their company style guidelines. So it’s a matter of first getting that out in front of people, then getting people to comply to that, to learn it, to know it and to live it. And when we had dedicated Writing teams, that was a thing. But as that starts to go further and further from where we live, putting that in front of people in a systematic way becomes necessary if we’re going to get that alignment. You also have a case where a lot of people are, you know, out in the world building their own voice. And you know, I work at a huge company, but I write for their blog. It sounds like me, it doesn’t sound like them. And how do I align with this global business? You need that that level of assistance of high level governance to sound like the business not sound like you think about it in terms of I mean, you’ve used a chat bot. And that’s the most obvious example of live communication with a with a global brand. If you’re having a conversation with somebody through chat on a on a website, and you’re trying to solve a healthcare problem, for instance, or an insurance problem, do you want somebody to communicate like them? Or do you want them to communicate like the business? You want it like the business because everybody’s different, and they can offend the heck out of you without even meaning to just by adding an extra smiley face emoji? Like it’s just how they communicate, but it’s not how the business communicates?

Mike: That’s, that’s fascinating. I mean, that, you know, that there’s two things there. One is the change in how we generate content. And it sounds like what you’re saying, I think this reflects, what I’m seeing is that we’re moving away from dedicated Writing teams, and we’re having to pull in a lot more people to do writing is that what you’re seeing is that the challenge, there’s a lot more people generating content that is then used outside the business?

Chris: Absolutely. So it’s interesting, we learned, we learned something, I guess, a year and a half ago that we didn’t really see coming. So part of where we were in the iteration of us as a company was talking to our customers about value and reduction in the cost of content creation. And so you know, make the statement, I can save you X number of dollars in your content budget. And here’s what we didn’t expect. The response was, that sounds really great. Show me where in my budget, I have content creation money. Now, a lot of our customers have agency money, you’re they’re creating money out, or they’re creating content outside. And that’s more easy to identify. But the kind of being created inside the business isn’t necessarily budget driven. It’s things that you do as a as an employee. So an example from my life is in my last company, my best writer, was somebody that worked in product marketing, and in that business, Product Marketing didn’t report to me. So I’m borrowing somebody else’s resources to be able to create this amazing content, but that content was being written in English as a second language. So grammatically, difficult to read, clarity, difficult to read. And the editorial process was very difficult because I can’t just fix it, right? Because if I fix it, and I don’t really understand the technology behind it, I’m be changed in the context.

So there’s back and forth between this person that wrote this content. And our editing team took forever. Because we change it changes it back. It’s not what I meant, you’re changing what I meant, you’re changing my words. And so this, this was a huge and difficult and daunting problem. And what made it worse was we were in the process of writing a book, there’s 26 chapters in the book, 20 of them were written by different individuals, all non writers writing in English as a second language, like, Oh, my, how do you manage that. And that was actually what that was, right? Where I was sitting when I discovered the business that I now work at. And this just seemed like such a, such an answer to the problem that I had of these great minds, fantastic. Technologists, who just couldn’t get it down on paper in a way that made sense and that was readable. But if I could give them that guidance, real time in their first draft, it’s gonna save me months and 10s of 1000s of dollars I get, it’s a real value to the business. It didn’t look like I was spending a lot of money, because I don’t have a budget for content, but I was in every other area to be able to cover this.

Mike: I totally agree. I think, you know, think about a lot of our clients, you know, the last thing you want to do is save them well, we’re here to save you money on content generation, because most of our clients would say, actually, if I could double my content output, I could double the budget it absolutely, it’s much more about making it easier to generate content. And I think that’s, that’s a really interesting point that agrilinks is actually making it easier for people to create content, if they’re not somebody who’s necessarily been trained as a writer.

Chris: Well, if you think about the process of creating content in an organisation, so there’s a, there’s a content team, and they’re tasked with solving the problem, I need this document. Cool, they’re not going to create it, they’re going to go to a subject matter expert elsewhere in the business, they’re going to request that that content be created. And then they have an editing team, most likely, internal editing, team, external editing teams are expensive. So that person writes it, it goes to the editor. And then there’s that back and forth that we just talked about. And finally, it’s at a point where it works. And it makes it to the stakeholder, some management level person who looks at it and says, Oh, this is I get it, I see what you’re trying to do here, this is really cool. But I have this other idea. If you could go make these changes, and boom, we’re back to the writer into the subject matter expert. And now we’re back in that feedback loop again, and finally gets back to the stakeholder again, they’re like, Okay, this seems good. But did you have you? Have you talked to legal about this, because most of our customers are very large organisations who need to go through compliance and regulatory checks. So now it makes to legal and they’re like, What the heck happened here, they’re not allowed to say any of this. So all it goes back to the writer, again, who has to make the changes that are aligned with legal that back to editorial.

And so the simple request that I had from the content team, just took between four and six weeks to come to completion. And the problem with that is, I needed it four to six weeks ago, I don’t need it anymore. So all this work that we just did, was essentially for nothing, because I have a piece of content, which now is great. But I don’t time sensitive, I don’t need it anymore. And I mean, this is a story that’s been validated and validated and validated with companies that we’ve talked to, is that we’re losing 50% or more of the work that we’re doing around content creation, because it’s not needed by the time it’s delivered. So if I can shrink the time it takes to get that content from ideation to production, it’s more likely that I’m getting more content out, I’m reducing the amount of content I’m throwing on the floor. And I’m reducing the amount of time that people are touching this, we’re reducing all that and that manual work gets really more mechanical, and letting people do the things that they should be doing. So if I can reduce all of that middle of the middle of the process, labour, all those folks that were spending all that time can do more creation work. And that’s where we get that loop back to more content, because everybody wants more and nobody’s being given more budget. So I need more, I need more content from you, you don’t get more people, you don’t get more budget, I just need more and how do you how do you do that you got to fix all of your supply chain problems all the way through this process. And that’s one of the things that we do.

Mike: That’s fascinating. And I think you know, there’s so many people listening to this that would relate to the making it easier to generate content in particular making it easier to generate content that gets through those internal filters, those people who’ve got to approve it. You know, that can be the toughest job sometimes.

Chris: Yeah, I mean if your organisation uses something like Aqua links, and it ties it in with legal for example, and legal has prebuilt content guidelines that you need to go through in the writing process, think about how much it costs to go through legal review in a global enterprise. If I can reduce that by any percentage, any percentage, that’s a measurable amount of budget, and time. And so that’s, that’s where we’re seeing these real gains for these organisations that and if we move into the development side and look at, for instance, tech docs, we’ve gotten so much better at building software over the course of the last several decades going from waterfall approach to Agile to continuous integration to continuous delivery. But one thing hasn’t changed, it still takes the same amount of time to create the documentation and go through the editorial process. So something has to give. And what’s been giving for a lot of companies is the review process they’re covering with a small team of tech bloggers, they’re able to cover one to 2% of the content that’s coming out alongside their software, which means one of two things, and I’ll let the audience draw their conclusions. One, they’re only releasing one to 2% of their technical documentation, or 290 8% of their talking, their technical documentation is going out without any real review. So that’s a problem.

And how do you solve that, when you can’t solve it with people? You can’t throw people at that problem? Because you mean, I have four people getting 2%? How many would I need 100%. That’s a army, what you have to do is build automation in that process. And when you build that automation in, you’re able to check 90 100% of that content, and see actual quantified scores that say, this is why this is okay. So maybe an 80 out of 100 means that it’s good to move to the next stage, it passes a gate, and maybe in 90 means it’s good to move to production. And you have that, that kind of chain of custody of that content, knowing that it’s gone through those types of rigorous checks, even if there aren’t people involved. And that’s where, you know, again, people are seeing acceleration happen, they’re able to create at the speed of the business, as the business speeds up, I can do more with less, and then use the savings in all those people that I had to let those people do creative jobs, not stupid manual jobs.

Mike: And that’s such a good point. Because, you know, you hear a lot about companies investing in, you know, building more technology, you just don’t hear people about putting the same amount of investment into tech docs, which which is important. That’s why we end up with documentation that sucks.

Chris: Well, and the whole, the whole thing that’s happened in the last couple of years, for a decade up and talking about the digital shift, and using that as a thing to drive people to action, it’s coming someday your only point of contact is going to be through the internet, and you need to be ready for that nobody really thought that was going to happen. But it did. And here we are, we’ve moved to a world where the customer experience the way that we think about it as businesses has changed dramatically. Because now it’s not just your customers experience is always kind of been synonymous with front office connection with your consumer. It’s the the website where they buy their product. But now you really need to be thinking about it in terms of its in the product you sell. It’s the words on your product or in your product. If you’re a software business, it’s your user. It’s your your UI strengthens. It’s in your documentation around your product, your product manuals, it moves into the education, internal and enablement. It’s your marketing materials, it’s your sales content, and then out into service and support and all the post sales content that you’re going to create. If these are the things that I interact with my consumer around, I need a certain level of structure of governance over that whole process.

And we’re not set up that way as businesses today. Everybody’s still a silo. You have your your technical documentation team, your manuals, teams, your marketing teams, your education, educational content teams, and then your service teams, your service and score teams. What we see happening, what I believe will happen more and more over the next several years is that that customer experience, total Global Customer Experience will roll into a leadership role at the sea level in the business to oversee the experience that you have with the company not with the pieces company. If a company is a person, you hear Google talk all the time about we want to we want to communicate like a person where there is a outreach of Google as a person to you, a person in the audience a consumer. You got to think about that across every touchpoint not just the obvious ones. And that’s where this starts to get really interesting.

Mike: Absolutely. And I guess I mean that that brings me to an interesting term on your website, which is goal driven content, people are often producing content to achieve certain things. Can you explain exactly what you mean by goal driven content? And how accurate links will help people be more successful at achieving those goals?

Chris: Sure. So good content is great. But is it good for the cause? So I think in terms of the concept of content, fitness, is it fit for purpose? So it’s good, but it’s not right for what I’m doing with it. So I, I wrote a really great essay, and a fantastic landing page about apple orchards. And I put it on the National Milk Board’s website. It’s great. But I’m going to do anything. It’s not fit for purpose, it’s in the wrong place. So our idea of content fitness speaks to, you know, upfront, what problems Am I trying to solve? So if it’s a conversion thing, if I’m trying to convert more leads, I’m trying to convert more sales. The purpose of this is to engage and educate and move into a sales cadence? Do I have content that does that today? So can agrilinks help you look across your entire content lexicon and find a piece of content that solves the problem that you’re trying to solve? If not, can we help you to build that content? So go beyond, you know, the quality, correctness and character that we talk about? And think about? How do you build content that’s going to be found and usable for this purpose. And then once I’ve identified what that content supposed to look like, now, I’m going to build it, leveraging in brand language and the clarity levels in the voice that our audience cares about. But that last piece is relevance, will identify that this piece of content is relevant to the cause. And your score isn’t going to just be this content is good. Your score is this content is fit for what you’re trying to solve.

I’m trying to sell something right here, this piece of content is designed to be found for that purpose, designed to help users convert, and then is relevant to the problem I’m trying to solve and the product I’m trying to sell. And all of that comes together to have a much higher level of score than what we’ve delivered. In past years, this fitness score gets it the fact that this content will deliver. Now, the next question you would ask is what if it doesn’t? Mike? Great question. Thanks for asking. If it doesn’t, it starts to play towards some of the assumptions that you made in the creation of the model. So 80% of Gartner asked a group of CMOS? Do you build your own guidelines, and almost all of them said, Yes, they’d come up with their own set of guidelines. And 80% of them identified that they made them up. They don’t I mean, it’s my job, I’m supposed to be good at that. And I think I am, but I might be wrong. And so if I made them up, and I create content, and it comes out, and it’s perfect, it’s fit for purpose. It’s findable, it’s readable, it’s going to do all the things that I think it’s going to, really, that’s based on a model that I created. If it doesn’t perform, when it comes out the other end, what I’m learning there is that I need to iterate my process, I need to go back into my guidelines, and look at where my assumptions were incorrect. And that’s a huge focus of moving from strategy aligned content creation, which is defining your guidelines, and building to those guidelines, to audience alignment, where I listen to the audience and their reaction to my content. And I use that to iterate and get closer to them. And that’s sort of a vision in the future right now. But as businesses get closer to that audience alignment, they’re creating that engagement content that’s going to drive and really drive the business forward. That’s where we’re very much focused right now this whole concept of content fitness, will culminate in a brand new product for us being launched in January. That is delivering that full content fitness experience.

Mike: I feel I should ask you about the product. But I’m sure you’re not going to tell me because it’s not January yet, but that’s fascinating, I guess. I guess I’ve got a look and see if there’s any issues and the first thing a lot of people find with AI is the requirement for large training sets. So I mean, do you find that people need to producing a lot of content to make Acrolinx work effectively?

Chris: I mean, In general, this is a product that’s designed for use at scale. If you only have small batches of content, it’s probably not necessary to drive this level of AI. If you look at, you know, a representative customer of ours, they’re doing hundreds of 1000s of content checks a month, millions a year. And that’s where this evolution comes from is that use it scale. But at the same time, I use the product, where a much smaller customer or company than our customers, and I’m still getting great value out of what our product delivers. Because I, I own, you know, the central ruleset and enable to define the way that we communicate. And in doing that, learn some really interesting things even at small scale. A fun thing that I learned is that, you know, I came in to the business in 2017, our founder, and I sat down and defined the tone of voice that we wanted to move forward with. And we implemented it for our front office.

So sales, marketing, BDRs, all had access to this implementation of agrilinks. And it worked really nicely. Our audiences appreciated the tone of voice that we created, it was found to be engaging, seems like a great thing. So me, being a power hungry megalomaniac said, Cool, I want everybody to use this whole business, everybody got to do this, and pushed it out into the next best place beyond marketing, which is our support team. And when you’re writing your support tickets use this implementation of agrilinks. It seems to be resonating well with our audiences. Interesting thing happened, our support audiences hated it, hated it, didn’t think it was fun at all didn’t want witty and wise yet not arrogant, and blah, blah, give no interest in that at all. They want their questions answered, they want it clear, consistent, concise, solve my problem. And so the idea of you bifurcating your ruleset looking at it hierarchal. So, at the top, it’s we all spell the company name, right. But down from there, I may have a more lively conversational tone and one side and a more formal, consistent in, in clear tone on the other, to be able to communicate to those two different use cases. But the things that are inherited are the things that make us accompany that make us having you’re having a conversation with one thing. It’s just that when I’m having it over here, I don’t want a lot of flowers. I just just want words, over here. You want that engagement and liveliness and somebody that sounds more like me.

Mike: That’s fascinating, interesting that different audiences feel your company actually needs slightly different different tones of voice makes a lot of sense. When you say, and I’m really sorry, Chris, you know, we’re running out of time here. I’d love to get your take on, you know, do you have three key things you can give us as top tips for content generation, that maybe you’ve learned, you know, seeing customers use agrilinks That perhaps anyone could benefit from?

Chris: I mean, I think first and foremost is know your audience demand gen teams do a really good job of knowing who they’re marketing to. So you identify your persona, you create your ideal customer profile. And you’re going after those, that audience, content teams need to do that same thing and really understand who they’re communicating to, and how those people both consume content and want to hear content. And by tailoring that approach, you’re going to create more impact, people are going to enjoy your content or engage with your content, you’re going to get better business results out of that. The other thing that I think is super important, is looking beyond the obvious. I’m actually doing a speaking session at a nother conference in two weeks. And the topic is about sort of forgetting about your customer, and writing actionable content. And I mean, my provocative statement of the day is business to business content is boring, and nobody cares about it. The only people that care about your product sheets are people that already know who you are, that are looking to solve a specific problem. If you’re trying to engage an audience, right, something actionable, would write something that’s valuable to everybody. And so that whole theme of like thinking through creative ways to solve problems whether whether your product is perfect for that or not provides the value that expands your business and your brand well beyond your customer, your your customer base and your audience.

And that’s been a way that I’ve launched a number of businesses over the course of my career is just by Creating content that people care about, it goes well beyond the product. The final thing is that it doesn’t take software to manage governance. It’s, it’s great, too. But taking a more active approach towards your governance, if you think in terms of we talked before this session about style guidelines, everybody has style guidelines. But do you adhere to them? Do you? Do you push them out into non writers in your organisation? And in most cases, no, I have a sense of guidelines. But I’m not really managing that being more active around that putting those in front of people finding a way to measure content, rather than just produce it and roll it out. All of these things are software free approaches, it’s just being being active about it being intentional about the way that we look at content creation, versus I got to get this done. I got it done. He read this real quick, cool and putting it up on the website. And that sounds like a small business problem. But it’s not that’s an every business problem, like, boom, it’s up and it’s out who read this, I don’t know. But it’s out there. And we don’t really get to check content for quality of context of the content more, we’re just making sure it doesn’t have obscenities in the middle of it, and then it can go up. And that shouldn’t be that way.

Mike: I think it’s brilliant advice. I love the way that, you know, certainly at a small scale, a lot of this doesn’t need any automation. You know, it just needs people thinking about it. You know, and certainly I think when you get to scale, it’s very clear why a product like Acrolinx you know, comes into its own is massively beneficial for for everyone, both the content creators and the people reviewing it. Yeah. I really appreciate your time. Chris has been fascinating. I’ve got about 20 Other questions I could have asked you. But if anybody does have anything like to ask you, or they want to find out more about Acrolinx and what would be the best way to get in contact with you.

Chris: You can always find me at and I am on LinkedIn at CP Willis.

Mike: Perfect. So hopefully we’ll have lots more people contacting you because it’s going to benefit everyone because the content on the web is going to be so much better. I really appreciate your time. Thanks again for for being on the podcast, Chris.

Chris: Thanks for having me. I enjoyed it.

Mike: Thanks so much for listening to marketing b2b Tech. We hope you enjoyed the episode. And if you did, please make sure you subscribe on iTunes, or on your favourite podcast application. If you’d like to know more, please visit our website at Napier b2b dot com or contact m


  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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