Although AI can be over-hyped, today, you can get real benefits from the technology. In fact, there is a wide range of marketing tools available now that use AI to help you complete tasks in less time, with better results.

In our on-demand webinar ‘The Top 10 Marketing AI Tools’, we explore the AI tools marketers have available to them, and how different tools can support different areas of marketing. We cover:

  • What AI can do
  • The risks of using AI
  • The top 10 marketing AI tools
  • How tools can support different areas of your marketing
  • The future of AI tools

Register to view our webinar on demand by clicking here, and why not get in touch to let us know if our insights helped you.

Napier Webinar: ‘The Top 10 Marketing AI Tools’ Transcript

Speakers: Mike Maynard

Hi, and welcome to the latest Napier webinar, I hope you’re looking forward to finding out a little bit more about some of the AI tools that we use. And that we’ve seen our clients use successfully, it’d be great if someone could just pop a note into chat just to let me know that everything is working, okay. And that you can hear me. So someone could do that, that would be brilliant. I’m actually presenting this from home today.

And we’ll crack on and we’ll start talking about some AI, and some of the tools that that we’ve used.

Okay, so first, let’s look at the agenda, what we’re going to talk about.

So we are going to start by covering you know, a bit of an overview about what AI can do.

And make sure that, you know, everyone’s you know, at the same level, what we think the expectations are. But also we’re going to take a breath and make sure that we know, you know, what actually isn’t practical.

So, you know, I think there are some things happening with AI and some hype that is perhaps over egging the ability of AI to do things that we want it to do.

We’re going to talk about GPT models. Now. GPT is the model underlying chat GPT, but also used by a lot of other tools. So it’s very important to understand that, once we’ve done all this, we’ll get straight into the top 10 AI tools, which I know a lot of people are very keen to see. So what we’re going to try and do is we’re going to try and cover what we think are the most important tools that people can use today in marketing. So this isn’t going to be a webinar that in two years time is going to be relevant. This is about what you can use today.

But lastly, we will look forward and we will wonder what is next and what’s going to happen.

So let’s start and let’s start by thinking about what AI can do what we all kind of know what AI can do. We’ve all heard the stories, you know, AI is great with chat GPT giving advice.

It was certain whether I should give up my career in marketing or not. So I decided to keep going on. But you can ask chat GPT all sorts of things. You can also use generative AI to create images. And I thought that Spaceman dancing and orange is an image that the world really needs. So we can actually do more than create images, we can create videos, this is a training video here. And it’s actually created by an AI avatar. So what we’re seeing more and more is companies using AI to create avatars. For things like training, this can be really effective, because all you have to do is feed the text into the AI system. And it will generate a high quality recording of someone presenting some training material. So that’s clearly good. And I think you know, as avatars will start seeing more and more going forward.

Images again, I mean, we had to put a couple of images in. So here’s some ketchup bottles created by Heinz that basically is AI versions of ketchup bottles for bottle a campaign. We thought that was fun. And of course, you know, we’ve mentioned chatting before, but chatbots are a particularly big area for AI. And a lot of companies are deploying AI chatbots. And I think those of us that have used them have sometimes been really impressed. And sometimes we’re really frustrated by the ability of AI to actually deliver the answers we need. And I think this is it is that, you know, there’s some really cool stuff that’s going on with AI, it certainly does a lot of amazing things. But sometimes there are things that it doesn’t quite do.

So let’s take a breath.

AI is really good at taking content and putting it together. And people have called it the ultimate plagiarism machine.

If you happen to be super geeky, like me, it’s a stochastic parents or a parent that repeats things, based upon probability. But the problem is, AI is not that creative, much of the content is very similar. And I think this is something that we’re all beginning to realise, you know, the first time I saw AI generated content, I was blown away, I just could not believe how good it was. And I thought, you know, this is it’s the end for content generation, you know, we can’t tell the difference, but very quickly, you begin to spot AI content, you begin to get a feel of what’s AI generated and what’s not.

And perhaps I think, you know, one of the best examples of this is, you know, could AI generates a Shakespeare sonnet? You know, let’s have a look at the first line, Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Well, no, AI is not going to do that, because a summer’s day is 24 hours long, and you’re five foot six. And I just can’t do that comparison, because I’m very literal. So I think what’s going to happen is, we’re going to increasingly see that at the top end, where people want high quality, very creative content, AI is going to continue to struggle. Of course, at the low end, where maybe people have been using low cost content farms, just to churn out material that covers a particular subject. Absolutely. I mean, I can see AI taking over from that sort of low quality, mid quality content. But at the moment, we’re not seeing AI really generate things that are truly creative, unless you have someone spending a lot of time doing what people call prompt engineering.

So actually asking the AI to generate specific things. So what I think is going to happen is AI is going to have a role, but it’s going to have a role in certain areas. And let’s have a look at another thing. You know, one of the things that AI is great to do is to give you ideas, and perhaps ideas for marketing campaigns. So I asked it for a couple of marketing campaigns make a marketing plan for an electrical infrastructure manufacturer. And here’s its ideas, you know, goes from market analysis and target audience all the way through to actually sending a sales goal of 20%. And you can see that it’s not quite perfectly it thinks of infrastructure as being construction rather than electrical infrastructure. And fundamentally, it looks ok, you think, well, that’s quite good, it’s really thought about it.

But then I asked it to generate a marketing plan for a semiconductor manufacturer. And you can see it’s incredibly similar. In fact, it’s a very formulaic marketing plan that’s going to come out and look similar to every industry. So clearly, we have an issue that AI is not generating something creative. I’m intrigued, it thinks the electrical infrastructure manufacturer is going to get 20% sales growth. You know, that’s an interesting number, it seems like a reasonable number. But you know, without knowing the the amount being invested, or the current market share, that’s hard to know. And then the semiconductor manufacturer is going to get 15% market share increase. So effectively 50% growth in the first year, why it’s 15% or not 20%, who knows, he seems to be random numbers plucked out there. But then given a sort of veneer of authority, by the confidence in which AI tends to present text. So I think we need to be careful about thinking AI can do everything, because sometimes it’s just not great.

I mean, there are also other challenges as well, you know, particularly around the fact that AI fundamentally is taking things that’s been trained on and reciting them again. So copyright plagiarism, or an issue, we’ve talked about bland content, some of the data is out of date. Obviously these AI models take a long time to train. And whilst open AI is building models that can be continuously trained. A lot of people are still using the AI models that were trained on a certain date. And so we see this classic art. So you know, that says that chat GPT was trained on a particular date doesn’t know anything more recent I’m sure we’ve all seen that. And ultimately, you know, the thing that everyone’s worried about is hallucinations and inaccuracy. And this you know, the researchers think appears to be an issue.

That, actually AI makes stuff up. And it’s inherent in the way AI works. So these neural networks work. And here’s an example. There’s many, many different examples. But here’s an example where two lawyers and law firm were fined because they got chat GPT to write a submission, and chat GPT that just literally made up some cases that didn’t exist. So it’s very easy to use check GPT you see that very confident presentation of what you think of facts, but unless you check them, it’s very risky.

So AI has got some drawbacks, but it still has that potential. And I think, you know, we need to look at how people are using AI, in different tools, to, you know, give you the potential of AI without giving the downsides.

So firstly, let’s try and understand, you know, what AI is doing. And we’re gonna look specifically at the text based models. So this is GPT. So GPT was created by Well, she wasn’t created by open AI. But the most recent models were created by open AI. And they are a neural net. So basically a network of connections that tries to mimic how we roughly think the brain works.

The most recent ones are GPT, four, or GPT, 3.5, if you don’t want to pay for it, the cost to create these models is huge, you know, potentially 100 million dollars or more in terms of energy and compute time to build GPD for so they’re very, very expensive, very complicated. So we’re not seeing lots of people create these models, some people are beginning to, but many applications use the standard models. And so many of the AI text applications will use GPT models. And so what we’re seeing is underlying, effectively the same brain the same model, but with a different wrapper on it. And so a lot of what we see in tools is people placing wrappers around it, to make it easier to use the API or to make the API deliver better results.

So now we know that, you know, sometimes we’re looking at the same thing, just with a different cover. Let’s go into what we really care about. And let’s go and have a look at the top 10. So this is an absolutely subjective, completely unreasonable and probably not entirely accurate selection of the top 10 AI tools that we felt should be featured in any marketing toolbox.

So the first one is chat GPT. Now, a lot of people talking about chat GP to generate content. And that is exciting and getting chat GPT to write blog posts and things like that is pretty cool. But that’s not why we’re excited about chat. GPT. I mean, really, there’s a couple of things that chat GPT is great at, it’s great for helping you answer questions, explaining things. It’s fantastic for summarising content. So if you’ve got meeting notes, you want to summarise it is really good at that. And it’s fantastic at analysing data.

And this is something maybe people aren’t aware of is chat GPT actually can do some incredible things. So I’m going to try and demo this, and we’ll see how this works with with our webinar tool. But hopefully I can do a quick demo of chat GPT doing some analysis.

So what we’ve got, oops is we’ve got chat GPT here. This is a painful version. And I think if you see this and you hate Excel, and let’s face it, most people in marketing do, you’ll suddenly see why people pay for chat GPT. So in the GPT, four model, there’s something called advanced data analysis.

And what I’ve done is I’ve enabled that advanced data analysis, which lets me upload files. So I’m going to upload a file.

And then I’m going to ask it to do something. So this is a file taken from our Google Analytics data. So it’s Google Analytics data. And I’m going to say which sources produce the highest engagement time and have at least one conversion. So those you know, Google Analytics, you know, that typically you set a goal and objective, which is the conversion, and you can measure things like time. So this is gonna say, which sending traffic that not only converts to something we think is valuable, but also has the highest engagement time.

This is something you do in Excel. And as I said, typically people are not super excited about trying to do these sorts of analysis in Excel. And so what it’s doing is it’s going to churn through it’s going to try and work out the data set. You’ll notice I haven’t told it anything about the data. So what it’s doing is it’s reading the data. And it’s trying to understand that you can see here chat GPT tries to understand the data. And then hopefully, in a couple of seconds, it’s going to give me an overview of what are the most engaged sources. So what’s driving web traffic to our site that is very engaged when it’s on our site, but also creates a conversion.

So here we go, sorry, I can’t make GPT run any quicker, it actually tells you how it’s going to do it, it’s going to do some filtering and sorting. So you actually understand how it’s working this out, which again, is really useful.And we just have to wait a second.

And here we see chat, GPT has done the analysis. And it’s found out what sources produce the highest engagement time. And this is kind of interesting, because actually being is producing slightly longer engagement than Google, whether it’s enough to actually be significant is something we need to dial, dial down into, and find out. But you know, first thing we’ve learned from here is actually being produces traffic that stays slightly longer on our website than Google.


And then we’ve got, you know, systems that are sending out our press releases, we’ve got referrals from websites, we’ve got some direct traffic, etc, etc. I can stop this going now. And I can also show something else. So what I can do is say, well, actually, you know, I love the fact Excel draws graphs, but I don’t like Excel. So I’m just gonna see if I can say, create a bar chart of the top 10 engagement times. You can see again, it’s going to sit there and work for a little bit. And then all things being equal, we should be able to see the top 10 engagement times.

And chat GPT is not being quick today, which is not helping in the webinar.

And there you go. So you’ve now got a bar chart, you can cut and paste into a presentation, you haven’t had to do anything complicated, you’ve literally just got to tell it what it wants, and chat GPT produces it. So hopefully, this has given a few hints into what Chappie GPT can do. That is a bit beyond the standard chatting.

We have some other applications as well. So you know, one of the things we really like is the tools that place wrappers around the GPT model to make it easier to generate content. So chat GPT tends to generate, you know, very similar very bland content, you can write longer queries, but products like Jasper, or writer or Freezy, they all have a structure. And I will just very quickly show you that structure now from Jasper. So if I jump into Jasper, you can see that Jasper here I’ve logged in. It offers a range of different templates. And so obviously, you can type into chat GPT, you can ask it to generate different pieces of content. But if for example, I wanted to generate some Google ads, I can click on ads, I can click on Google ads. And what it’s going to do is it’s going to be able to generate some different content. So I could, for example, say marketing, AI tools webinar, and it pulls best for b2b marketers to use. And you can have any sort of tone of voice you’d like.

I’m going to actually pick something I’ve custom done, which is tone of voice that is similar to our website. This is one of the things that’s really neat about these writing tools is they can match your tone of voice. We could have some examples, but I’m just going to click generate content. And in a second, you’ll see that we’ve generated both headlines and descriptions, all compliant with Google in terms of number of character counts, and just a little bit easier and quicker than trying to use chat GPT to do the same thing. As I mentioned, you know, these these are typically tweaked versions, the GPT model anyway, so they’re basically the same content, but it’s just going to make it easier for you. And if you’re looking to try these writer is one of the ones that has a really good free trial and free tier. So it’s a very easy thing to try.

Okay, we’ve done a couple of demos let’s actually crack on and try and look at some more of these tools and move a bit quicker.

Grammarly is a tool that actually has some AI in it. And I’d also recommend trying Hemingway, which is an online tool as well Hemingway app.

And what it does is they just help you write. So sometimes we have to write ourselves, check GPT isn’t gonna do it, nor is Jasper nor is writer, but we make mistakes. So how can we fix mistakes? Grammarly is obviously great. Hemingway is really good at aims to make content more readable and more impactful. Based upon the way Hemingway wrote. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean it picks great content.

So you know, a little bit of Charles Dickens here. And you can see that Hemingway just basically highlights the whole lot saying it’s hard to read. It is true how that Dickens isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to read. And maybe in business, we want to do this, but obviously use these tools, with a little bit of common sense.

However, they are great for using if you have written something, and you just want to get it checked.

The next one is Dall-E. You know, we all need a picture or an image every now and then, even if it is a bitmap image of a painter painting a painting, as I’ve asked for, here, from Dall-E. And one of the interesting things as well as Adobe is really getting into AI for image generation. And if you have a design team, Adobe, Firefly is a fascinating product to use. It can do things like, you know, effectively expand a photo beyond the frame. You know, obviously, it’s making it up. It’s trying to imagine what it is. But it’s got some incredible capabilities that I really recommend using. So definitely look at Dall-E as being, you know, or stable diffusion or Firefly as being a tool. One thing to bear in mind, of course, is that there is a risk of copyright breaches in the images just just as there is in text when you generate. And actually I mean, the CEO of the company that runs stably fusion.

He actually said they don’t know how many copyright images they’ve used and absorbed into their model, but they know it’s in the hundreds of millions. So there’s a huge amount of copyright material in there. And there’s a real question of what happens if you do get some content that uses copyright content.

Also, in the US, it’s been decided that AI Generated Content can’t be copyrighted See, can’t own the AI generated image in other countries that something’s still going through the courts. And I think we’re going to see a lot around copyright as we go forward with AI.

The next one, I’ve picked his Salesforce Einstein partly because our Head of Business Development and Marketing Hanna loves that little cartoon Einstein they use both on the page and in their promotion. But actually, I think it’s indicative indicative of what’s happening with a lot of tools. So they are applying AI in Salesforce, to do all sorts of things. So this is an example of actually a prediction of what the engagement is going to be like on an email you send. So it’s actually predicting whether people are likely to open the email or click on the email, and how effective it’s going to be. You know, the other thing that people are using a lot of AI around is scoring leads and CRMs to try and decide whether people are showing intent based on their behaviour, whether it be clicking emails or behaviour on the site. And then rank who are the most likely contacts to become customers. And I think, you know, this is something that’s going to be embedded. Basically, it’s every CRM and marketing automation platform we see going forward.

I mentioned chatbots. I mean, we all love or we hate, you know, a good Chatbot. You know, chat base is one that’s very heavily involved in using AI to have an automatic chat bot. So it’s drift. That’s another very popular platform. But we’re also seeing marketing automation platforms. You know, HubSpot, for example, has put a lot of effort into its chatbots and other platforms beginning to offer this chatbot functionality. So I think more and more, we’re gonna see chat bots being deployed. I did find an article on the top five AI chat bots, in b2b. When I was doing some prep for this. It was written about 18 months ago, so it’s a little bit old. And interestingly, I think four out of the five websites had actually taken the AI chatbot off the site. So one of the things we are seeing is training these chat bots is difficult. And I think the tools to train the chat bots. There’ll be something that’s developed over the next, you know, couple of years. But at the moment, it is hard to deploy an AI chatbot in a b2b situation where you’ve got complex products and lots of things to cover.

Chatbase seems to be one of the hot b2b marketing tools at the moment. And it’s all about trying to understand which of your accounts are showing intent. And looking on the public internet as well as on your marketing, to find out which accounts seem to be doing things that suggests they could be a customer. And it’s a great way of prioritising your accounts. And we were talking about this earlier in our podcasts that Hannah and I was, we’re recording. And if you don’t subscribe to the marketing automation moment podcast, and you use marketing automation, I’ll just put a little plug in for that podcast. Now. Of course, one of the issues tools is that inevitably, marketers focus on the contacts that are labelled as either in decision or purchase phase. So almost by definition, they’re going to have a higher conversion rate because they get more focus. But even so, having said that, tools like six cents seem to be pretty good at identifying, you know, which accounts are likely to buy, and which you can probably leave and just nurture in the background.

Contents, obviously another area. And we’ve talked briefly about generating content. But there’s some fantastic AI tools, market news and surfer SEO, the both use of SEO, both use an AI to identify opportunities. And here you can see, basically, market news has tried to look at, you know, opportunities for generating content to rank for search terms around telescopes. And what we’re seeing now is actually more and more of these tools are important, because they do so much analysis of the competition, and actually helps you generate content where you have a reasonable chance of ranking highly. So these tools, I think, are going to become more and more popular as we go forward.

Once you’ve got the content, you’ve ranked high in SEO, you’ve got someone on the website, you want them to convert. And there are a number of tools that will sit on your website and help people to convert by popping up when they think someone is interested and ready to engage. Our favourite is path monkey is actually run on the Napier website. And it’s great for website engagements. And it also generates some good leads. So we’ve actually seen, you know, potential customers come through path monk, because something’s popped up and said, you know, would you like some more information about this. It’s a very complicated tool in terms of, you know, the way it works the way it tries to analyse customer journeys through the website. But in terms of ease of use, it’s really easy. You just create what they call micro experiences. And then Pathmark tests, the different micro experiences to see what works, at what point. So it’s a very, very easy way to do it.

Once once you’ve done all these you go on the website, people are now wondering, I think you know, where are we going to go next, what’s going to be the number one AI tool for marketers. And this might be a bit controversial. But we’ve rated Google ads as number one. And the reason we’ve rated Google ads as number one is Google has put a lot of AI behind Google ads. But it’s all kind of hidden, you get these recommendations, Google will run the headlines, the descriptions that it reckons works best.

And it’s all kind of magic in the background. And I think this is where AI is going to go is there’s going to be more and more AI and systems. But it’s going to be less obvious. It’s just going to be sat there doing things helping you be more efficient.

And you know, the interesting thing with Google is there’s clearly some rules, and whether they’ve been worked out through experience or whether they’re rules that the Google engineers have put in, you know, that they’re pretty obvious, you know, longer headlines are better. And if you run Google ads, you’ll find the closer you can get to that 30 character limit, the more Google’s gonna like that headline. So, you know, it’s interesting to see what what happens, you can kind of read those rules and make them simplistic, but there’s a lot of AI going on in the background, to test different headlines and find out what works. So we really, really like Google ads, we think it’s an indication of where AI is gonna go. And probably a lot of you are happily using this AI without worrying about it.

Now, of course, we’ve had our number one, our winner, the number one of the top 10 of marketing tools. But those of you who sat on a presentation will know that a Napier we always like to do something to give you a little bonus. So one of the things we wanted to talk about is building your own AI tool.

Putting around AI. So this is all about trying to use AI to create things that are going to be more human. And so what we’ve got is we’ve got an example here, where we will have a look. We go to our spreadsheet. And initially we’ve just got a few contacts in here that I’ve put in. But actually, if we unhide, these rows, you see, we’ve got a huge number of contacts. And our boss has told us, I want to know the industry, the employees and the CEO of each contact. Now there is an extension, that will actually take chat GPS API, and interface it into Google Sheets. So we’ve configured this extension, and we could do some cool things. So we can type in briefly identify the industry and then obviously, just like any other spreadsheet, we give it a cell to look at.

Hopefully, it’s gonna tell me the industry, technology electronics. So that’s not bad, it’s pretty good. We can also do things like say estimate, number of employee per company. And again, we’ll give it the company name. Hopefully, it will tell us roughly how many employees are there. It’s interesting, actually, it’s come back with 137,000 employees written out not very helpful if we want to process and sort.

So what we can do is, we can actually do a more detailed inquiry and say, provide it as a number without commas. And that should just give me the number of employees. And it does. And then lastly, we can actually say, who is the CEO of this company. With any luck, Tim Cook will pop up here.

And there you go. So you can see that this is a fantastic use of chat GPT. And obviously, once we’ve done this, we can just drag it down. And we are loading data.

And we can see there’s some errors coming up. But slowly, what it will do is it will populate all the chat GPT answers here. So if you’ve got data processing, it can be really, really useful to actually go out and get data and find information, just simply by using chat, GPT and a spreadsheet. So hopefully that save some people some time in the future. If you’re interested in it, you just need to Google GPT for sheets, instal it on your Google account, and it will work.

So hopefully a nice little tool if people are going to do some data analysis of customers.

The last thing to say is what’s next? So I think the biggest question is what’s going to happen to generative AI performance, we saw an unbelievable leap in performance in the space of about six months, with chat GPT. And now we’ve seen, you know, perhaps a few months of stability. The question is, you know, can AI keep getting better and better? Or is it only going to sit at the current level? And I don’t have the answer to that. There’s lots of arguments to say it can get better. There’s lots of arguments that say, you know, we’re using basically all the training data that’s available, and the performance will stall and it won’t keep getting better, I suspect we’re going to see the rate of increase slow down. It’s been crazy over the last few months. But I think equally, we’re going to see some ongoing performance improvements. So these AI tools are going to become better and better.

But even if it stalls, I mean, even if we look at the worst case, and we’re at PKI, at the moment, nothing’s gonna get better. Hopefully, you’ve seen that AI tools can be very helpful. Hopefully you understand that you’re going to have to experiment and try different things. And if you want some information on any of these tools, or you want me to go through how we did some of the demos, you know, feel free to contact me. But the last thing I think is, you know, even with the abilities that AI has today, AI is going to be embedded everywhere in different marketing tools. I don’t think we’re anywhere close to having an AI Marketing Robot, you just say go creating a campaign. As you can see, they tend to be very formulaic from the eyes at the moment. But in terms of you know, accelerating what you do, making things easier, you know, just that example of the spreadsheet where we found the industry, incredibly useful thing to do. So, AI is going to be everywhere. I think people use it, they’re going to get much more out of their marketing than people who don’t

Don’t use AI because they’re going to have that little help. The ideas, the content creation, the suggestions about you know, where the leads are coming from, all of that is going to boost. So hopefully, I’ve excited you about AI, you feel like, you want to try some of the tools. What I’m gonna do now is open up for questions. So I’m really interested if anyone has any questions, and they’d like to cover them on the call, please feel free to put them in the chat. And I’d be very happy to answer any questions and cover anything you’d like me to address.

So I’m just going to have a look at the chat. Okay, so we have a couple of questions. So the first question is, that is a great question. So it’s really good. It’s from Rachel. And it’s, you know, we’ve seen some great AI tools. But the reality is, is most people don’t have time to experiment with hundreds of different tools. So what are the top three tools that people should use at the moment?

I think that’s a really interesting question. It depends upon what you’re trying to achieve, and what your objectives are. So if you’re somebody who’s very heavily into content, I would absolutely look at some of the AI tools that help you with SEO, help you, you know, identify the keywords, generate content, find those opportunities for content. And they’ll also help you write the content as well, they’re starting to introduce generative AI in there. I think if you’re somebody who processes a lot of data, I would probably at the moment, LOOK AT chat GPT. So chat, GPT can not only do the data analysis, I showed you, you know, pulling information out of big data files, but chat GPT can also help you in Excel, you know, enrich data. So I think, from data that that would be really important. And then the last thing is, I think if I was, you know, more focused around marketing automation, or CRM, then probably what I’d be doing is I’d be spending time looking at the AI features that my CRM platform or my marketing automation platform had.

Because I think, you know, we are going to see a lot of different features. I mean, Salesforce announced that Dreamforce that they were introducing Einstein one with all these features, including, you know, the AI lead scoring, and within a couple of weeks act on was talking about very similar AI lead scoring in their their tools. So I think it’s about you know, using the tools you have, and not necessarily, you know, going out and trying to find lots of other tools.

And have one other question here.

Okay, really simple one. Will there be a recording of the webinar? Yes, absolutely. We do always make a recording of our webinars. So our webinars are on demand. So if anybody has any thing they’d like to look at, again, you will be sent a link with the information of how to access the on demand webinar.

So I’m very aware of time we try and keep these webinars to about 30 minutes or so we’re run over time now. So what I’m going to do is, I’m gonna call it a day, I’m gonna say, hopefully, I’ve helped you understand some AI tools. If anyone does have any more questions, or think of anything that they haven’t asked yet, please do send me an email, email addresses Mike at Napier b2b dot com. And I’d be really happy that walk you through how to set up some of these tools, or just chat and answer questions. So thank you very much. I really appreciate your time. And good luck. I hope AI helps you do your job. In less time you get maybe a little bit more break or a longer weekend over the next few weeks from using AI thanks very much.


  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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