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Napier, One of the Longest-Standing Agencies in the B2B Tech Sector, Celebrates its 40th Anniversary

We are happy to share that Napier recently celebrated its 40th anniversary at London’s Science Museum, with leading technology editors and companies in attendance. This cements the business as one of the longest-standing agencies in the B2B technology sector.

Originally based in London, Napier was launched in 1984 and moved its headquarters to Chichester in 1988. Business growth led the agency to open three further offices, in London, Keele, and San Francisco.

Over the years, we have acquired various companies including Peter Bush Communications, Armitage Communications and Neesham PR. These acquisitions have led to a specialist workforce based all over the UK.

In 2001, the company was acquired by our current Managing Director, Mike Maynard, alongside Director Suzy. Since that time Mike has managed many major PR and marketing programmes for a wide range of technology-based clients.

Forty years on from the initial launch of Napier, the company is now employed-owned, which means that – through a trust – everyone employed has ownership of the company.

Napier’s Managing Director, Mike Maynard said, “Reaching our 40th anniversary is a major achievement. We would not be here without every single person who has worked at Napier, from the very first team in 1984 to our current team in 2024. It was a pleasure celebrating with some of our clients and journalists, and it was a great day for everyone involved. As a team, we look forward to continuing to grow our expertise and provide specialist support to our current and future clients”.

The day was one to remember and we look forward to another 40 years!

For more details about the history of Napier, click here.


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