There’s a lot of discussion and articles lately about the importance of personalised content within marketing. We decided to take an alternative route by registering for Hootsuite’s ‘Summer Social’ series of webinars to see what more we could learn and share directly from the ultimate experts in social. The first webinar we attended was ‘Know your customer: Delivering a personalized experience on social’; and in this blog we’ll share what we discovered from the first webinar of the series.

For those who may not have much experience with the platform, Hootsuite enables businesses to make scheduling, managing and reporting on social media content easier. At Armitage, we use Hootsuite regularly for these very reasons.

Personalised marketing has become a massive talking point for marketers across the world, with goals to tailor content based on customer behaviours and specific needs. Hootsuite believe that in order to maintain and build relationships through an automated social platform, the process must remain as human as possible throughout, and this is where personalisation comes in.

Here’s some key points on what we learnt about personalisation from Hootsuite’s webinar:

  • 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands when they offer a personalised experience. That’s for sure one way of increasing conversion rates.
  • Brands are now becoming less focus on reach, but more on creating quality content personalised to customers.
  • The one size fits all approach to social media is outdated. After all, you wouldn’t ask someone to retweet your post on Facebook…
  • Whilst some content might work for one business, it doesn’t mean it will work for yours. Understand your target market through customer personas. If you need some help, we’ve created a B2B persona creator tool for you to try.
  • Create a varied content library including; high-quality videos for Facebook, shortened videos and imagery for Instagram, behind the scenes video clips for Instagram stories, and recruitment posts for LinkedIn- the possibilities are endless.

If you want a deeper understanding of using personalisation across your social channels, you can watch the full Hootsuite webinar here.
