For over 50 years, New Electronics has been the source of news and information for many within the UK electronic design industry. Now, New Electronics will be expanding its brand, targeting the engineering community across Europe, with the creation of ‘New Electronics Europe’, which will launch in the new year.

The new branch of the brand will cover key markets such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Austria and many more.

With the aim to reach and engage electronic design engineers, electronic managers and buyers of electronic components, the magazine will provide content which keeps the industry up-to-date with the latest developments, innovations, tech and news.

Marc Young, Publishing Director, MA Business said: “Our aim of expanding our reach into Europe will move New Electronics onto another level and provide our advertisers with a large number of new business prospects while extending the reach of our existing UK clients.”

We look forward to seeing the success of New Electronic Europe and it’s great to watch the brand grow and expand!
