News About Napier

Find out what’s happening in our world! This is where we post the latest news about us, our clients and some of the other agencies across the globe with whom we partner.

Napier Named as ‘Rising Star’ by B2B Marketing and Shortlisted for Elektra Award

It's been a week filled with positive news here at Napier, and we are delighted to share that we have been named as a Rising Star agency in the B2B…

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SalesPOP Podcast Interview: How Account Based Marketing Helps Close Big Deals

The SalesPOP podcast hosted by John Golden, aims to educate listeners on the latest within B2B Marketing. As part of their expert insights series,…

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A Napier Podcast: Interview with Joel Harrison – B2B Marketing

In our latest episode on Napier’s Marketing B2B Technology Podcast, we interview Joel Harrison, Editor-in-Chief, who shares the exciting news that…

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Napier’s Media Page: A Collection of Webinars and Podcasts

In 2020, there was an obvious growth in webinars and podcasts as channels for B2B tech marketers, and like many others, we launched our own podcast…

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Napier Makes Christmas Charity Donations

2020 was a hard year for us all, but especially for charities that require more funding than ever before to continue with the hard work they…

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A Marketing Principles Round Up: 6 Key Things for a Successful Marketing Strategy

I have been working in the B2B Marketing world for just over a year now and I have already learned so much during my time at Napier as a Marketing…

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Business Built Freedom Podcast Interview: Tips to Reach Your Target Audience

The Business Built Freedom Podcast, hosted by Joshua Lewis, invites listeners who are business owners, to discover how they can build a vehicle of…

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A Napier Webinar: Uncovering the Truth about Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence is the latest buzzword, but to what extent does AI truly make a difference to your marketing? Napier recently held a webinar…

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A Napier Podcast: Interview with Chip House – SharpSpring

We are delighted to share the latest interview from Napier's Marketing B2B Technology podcast. In this episode, we interview Chip House, CMO at…

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Business Mastermind Podcast Interview: Marketing Numbers, Content and Growth through Acquisition

The Business Mastermind Podcast, hosted by Gavin Preston, provides listeners with insights on how to grow your business, covering topics such as…

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