News About Napier

Find out what’s happening in our world! This is where we post the latest news about us, our clients and some of the other agencies across the globe with whom we partner.

CIM Lecture notes – Week 1 – Digital disruption and The Scope of Digital Marketing

What did we cover? In this week’s lesson, our focus was on the impact of digital disruption. What exactly is digital disruption? Digital disruption…

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CIM Student – Where Did it all Start?

(Certificate in Professional Marketing (CIM) Level 4 - Intermediate) It was approaching the end of my apprentice and the big cloud that dawned above…

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A ‘Napier Nine’ Video…Get to Know Director Suzy Kenyon

For the latest chapter in our ‘Napier Nine’ video series, we get to know Suzy Kenyon, Director at Napier. In the video below, discover Suzy’s project…

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A ‘Napier Nine’ Video… Get to Know Business Development Manager Hannah Kelly

Hannah Kelly, Business Development Manager at Napier, is the latest to take part in our ‘Napier Nine’ series. Find out Hannah’s strongest quality,…

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Napier continues to grow with 2 New Client Wins

Napier continues to prove itself as a successful B2B PR and Marketing agency with 2 new clients wins – Redis Labs and NetSpeed Systems. Redis Labs, a…

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Our Latest Competition – Winner Revealed!

Congratulations to Jacki Elwell from Vicor, who is the winner of our 'Tell us What the Teddy Bears are Saying' competition. See below for Jacki's…

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Why Every Marketer Should try a Spell at an Agency

I wonder how many client-side marketers are out there right now considering taking the leap of faith into the agency world? As we move further into…

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A ‘Napier Nine’ Video… Get to Know Media Analyst Rachael Penfold

In our ‘Napier Nine’ video series we have been getting to know the Napier Team. In this installment we interview Media Analyst, Rachael Penfold.…

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A ‘Napier Nine’ Video… Get to Know Managing Director Mike Maynard

In our ‘Napier Nine’ video series we have been getting to know the Napier Team. The latest to take part is Mike Maynard, Managing Director at……

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What is Flipboard? And why use it?

What is it? If you haven’t yet used Flipboard, it’s a great social app that allows its users to share, group, and collect content from multiple…

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