News About Napier

Find out what’s happening in our world! This is where we post the latest news about us, our clients and some of the other agencies across the globe with whom we partner.

The Making of a Lioness…

I recently attended a pipeline training course at Hubspot HQ in Dublin, the affectionately named ‘Project Lion’ boot camp was delivered by the…

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To Pitch or Not to Pitch

The word “pitching” always made me think of episodes of the Apprentice. Watching nervous hopefuls talking endlessly about how their ideas are the…

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The Tradeshow Survival Challenge

Tradeshows. Every journalist, exhibitor and visitor knows of the challenges you can face. Working in a marketing agency we have to tackle tradeshows…

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What has an apprenticeship meant for my future?

It’s safe to say that I don’t regret my apprenticeship with Napier one single bit. My journey started when I finished taking my A levels at sixth…

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Q & A: We ask the employer, Why did you decide to take on Apprentices?

National Apprenticeship week is here so, we wanted to ask the employer a few questions about why they believe in the apprenticeship scheme as well as…

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Emily’s Level 3 Apprenticeship Experience at College

People often ask me how my workload at Napier affects my apprenticeship coursework, and I must say that managing college vs. Napier work hasn’t been…

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From Apprentice to Marketing Specialist – Taylor’s Journey

It has been a year since I completed an Apprenticeship with Peter Bush Communications, and I have recently hit the milestone of my second year…

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We Created Napier’s Very Own ROI Calculator!

At Napier, we know that ROI is often a marketer’s top priority, and when creating a campaign, it is one of the most important outcomes to calculate.…

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Napier Feature in this year’s B2B Marketing Agencies Benchmarking Report!

Napier were recently invited to participate in the B2B Marketing Agencies Benchmarking Report for 2018; and we are happy to announce that we are…

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Napier’s IronCAD Subject Line Competition – Winner Revealed!

Napier recently took part in a competition to design a powerful Subject Line for our client IronCAD, who set us the brief to design a a subject line…

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