News About Napier

Find out what’s happening in our world! This is where we post the latest news about us, our clients and some of the other agencies across the globe with whom we partner.

Does location matter?

As someone who is lucky enough to live and work by the sea and next to the wonderful South Downs, which are soon to be designated a national park, I…

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Napier’s industry newsfeed

I've been running an internal newsfeed for a long time, highlighting industry news; coverage of our clients and their compeitors; and a mix of…

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Napier research in the press

Thanks to elektronik + embedded systems who published an article about Napier's recent distribution survey in the distribution feature in their first…

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Napier Review of 2008

Every year I pull together a review of what has happend in the European electronics media by collating the posts on Napier News. The Napier News…

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LEM nominated for another award

LEM has been nominated for another award. WiLEM, the company's wireless energy meter that helps people reduce their electricity consumption has been…

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Napier News policy on comments

I thought it might be a good idea to publish my policy on approving and removing comments to ensure everyone understands my approach. You can view…

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Congratulations to Vicor – Elektra Award winners again!

Many congratulations to Vicor, a great client that has won an Elektra Award for the second year running. Vicor was named the winner of the Power…

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Napier News moves to WordPress

An agency that is advising clients on the latest online marketing techniques and tools probably shouldn't be running a Blogger-hosted blog! Although…

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LEM wins 2008 International Web Award

Congratulations to LEM: their website has won the “Manufacturing Industry Standard of Excellence” category in the 2008 International Web Awards. The…

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