News About Napier

Find out what’s happening in our world! This is where we post the latest news about us, our clients and some of the other agencies across the globe with whom we partner.

Online or print?

We recently set a group of University students the challenge of finding out how important online is for European electronics publishers. We can all…

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Vote for Napier’s clients in the Storage Awards 2007

Although we are well known in the electronics industry, Napier also works with a number of leading companies in the IT sector. This year AMCC Storage…

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PC Pro recommends aXstor

Congratulations to aXstor, a Napier client that was given a PC Pro recommendation for their fabulous iSCSI box. It's great to be able to work with…

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Zybert runners up in environmental award

Congratulations to Zybert Computing, one of Napier's clients, who were given a highly commended award for their GEM server in the Environmental…

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Napier’s clients shine at the Network Computing Awards

Congratulations to AMCC, who were named winners of the Connectivity Product of the Year at last night's Network Computing Awards with their 3Ware…

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Napier clients nominated for Network Computing Awards

Congratulations to AMCC, aXstor, TMC and Zybert, who have all been nominated for the Network Computing Awards. They all offer fabulous products, and…

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Zybert shortlisted for Environmental Award

Congratulations to Zybert Computing, a wonderful client of ours. The Zybert Z1 GEM, a great server for SMEs that not only consumes less power than…

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Napier review of 2006

The Napier review of the European electronics media in 2006 is now available. Please email to request your copy.

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New URL for Napier News

With the number of people that receive our Napier News email increasing rapidly, we've decided to spend the few Euros get a decent URL for the site:…

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Cassim’s wedding

Congratulations to Cassim, one of the newer members of the Napier team, who recently got married Shelley on the lovely island of Mauritius. Here's…

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