News About Napier

Find out what’s happening in our world! This is where we post the latest news about us, our clients and some of the other agencies across the globe with whom we partner.

A Napier Webinar: Developing a Marketing Strategy for Growth: Planning for 2023

Strategy development is the foundation of great campaigns, but it can be difficult to connect your marketing strategy to your planning and execution,…

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A Napier Podcast Interview with Daan Reijnders – Foleon

In our latest podcast episode, we interview Daan Reijnders, co-founder and CEO of Foleon, a content creation platform where users can create engaging…

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Team at Napier's eNgage Conference 2022

Napier acquires Neesham PR

Leading International B2B agency Napier grows team and expands client base with acquisition of Neesham PR.   19 October 2022: Napier…

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A Napier Podcast Interview with Chad Reid – Jotform

In the latest podcast episode, Mike sits down with Chad Reid, VP of Marketing at Jotform, an online form builder offering a suite of productivity…

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A Napier Podcast Interview with Ian Ferguson – Lynx

Ian Ferguson, VP of Sales and Marketing at Lynx Software Technologies, sat down for our latest podcast episode in the B2B marketing professionals’…

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A Napier Webinar: The 7 Steps to Kickstarting a Successful Podcast

There is a significant difference between setting up a sustainable, impactful and ultimately successful podcast versus a podcast that flops at the…

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Napier Charity Sponsorship: Why We Are Choosing to Support Foothold

This year we were approached by the organizers of the Electronics Industry Awards to be a charity sponsor.  For us, it was a no-brainer, and we…

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A Napier Podcast Interview with Mike Roberts – SpyFu

In this podcast episode we interview Mike Roberts, Founder and CEO of SpyFu, a search analytics tool offering competitor keyword research tools. Mike…

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A Napier Podcast Interview with Hannah Ingram – Ignys

In the latest episode of our leading B2B marketing professionals series, we interview Hannah Ingram, Marketing Manager at Ignys, an electronic and…

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Should You Trust Software Review Sites?

In the second episode of the Marketing Automation Moment podcast, Mike and Hannah share their thoughts about why third-party form vendors are so…

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