Inbound 2019 – LinkedIn Advertising

My first breakout session at Inbound 2019 started with the benefits and the downsides of LinkedIn Adverts. One of the key benefits is that LinkedIn can do highly accurate targeting, and this makes it a particularly popular channel for B2B. LinkedIn, however, isn’t perfect, and the presenter highlighted the relatively high cost-per-client, the lack of decide targeting, the inability to schedule…

7 Content Marketing Stats Every Marketer Needs to Know

As the B2B marketing world continues to evolve, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest from the content marketing industry. With some marketers doubting that a content marketing strategy is still important, the latest content marketing stats can provide great insight, so you know that the time spent on your content marketing strategy is not only important, but also worth it, to achieve…

Six tips for successful Account Based Marketing

Marketers are often tempted to cast their net wide when seeking to snare new leads – after all, it seems efficient to produce one piece of marketing collateral and send it out everywhere. Something is bound to bite, surely? Some do, but perhaps not nearly as many as we’d like. What if there was a more powerful way to find quality leads that are much more likely to be receptive to your…

Empower yourself with our marketing ROI calculator

As part of the Napier Group, we realise the importance of proving a return on an investment to your team, both when putting forward a proposal for marketing campaigns, as well as providing feedback to directors when a campaign has been executed.  Quantifying leads generated from a range of marketing tools such as website enquiries, social media leads and events can be achieved using…

The Two ingredients of Magical Marketing Automation

Marketing is changing rapidly: just a few years ago it was only the brave pioneers who were running marketing automation systems, yet today the majority of B2B tech companies see automation as one of the pillars of their activities. Despite the widespread adoption of marketing automation, however, I often hear client’s express disappointment at the results they achieve. Why do people pay good…

The End of the Tech Marketers Fascination with Makers?

Although I have always questioned the value of the maker market, I was really disappointed to hear the announcement that Maker Media is closing. Make magazine and the Maker Faires have been the peak of the maker movement, and to think that there is a chance that it’s all over is sad. I am hopeful that someone will decide to rescue the publication and the events, but so far no one has stepped…

Breakout Session 7: Omnichannel Metrics: Can B2B Learn from B2C?

B2B marketers generally have an easier job of measuring omnichannel campaigns. This presentation explained some of the techniques used by leading consumer companies that may give some ideas for omnichannel measurement for B2B. One example might be looking at advert view ability data. A simple approach would be to measure on-target viewability (the ads that would have been seen by the target…

Breakout Session 6: How Marketo Uses Intent Data to Grow Sales

Working out when someone is ready to buy is one of the big challenges for marketers and sales teams. This session at the Adobe Summit explained how Marketo uses data from Bombora to determine intent at an account level for their ABM campaigns. Marketo has three types of accounts that they track in their marketing automation: Named accounts; selected by the rep. Use Mintigo and determine…

Breakout Session 5: Using My Tokens to Save Time

This session was all about using tokens. A token is a variable that you can use across your emails, landing pages and smart campaigns to make your life easier. They could also be called a placeholder or merge tag. Typically, people are familiar with person (contact) tokens and company tokens, but Marketo allows you to create “My Tokens” that exist at either folder or company level and are not…

Breakout Session 1: Adobe and Marketo – The Roadmap

After being a little disappointed with the lack of mentions for B2B in the opening keynote, I was keen to hear about the future for Marketo as part of Adobe. Marketo was initially positioned as having three main areas: lead management, attribution and ABM, and a company that started mid-market, moved up, whereas Adobe was the opposite: starting as Enterprise and moving down. The Adobe…

Napier’s Expertise & Experience

Napier's Expertise and Experience Our Approach What we do for Clients Our Services Deep Insight Content Creation and Content Distribution Napier Case Studies Our Team Our Approach At Napier, we believe that our approach is the best way to deliver great campaigns. Our deep market insight allows us to understand the customer, the market, our client and…

Armitage Communications

Armitage Communications Armitage Communications are a part of the Napier Group, and are a specialist high-tech PR and Marketing agency working within the electronics, electrical and industrial automation sectors. In July 2019, Armitage Communications merged with Peter bush Communications forming a team of experienced marketing professionals, journalists and electronic and…

Account Based Marketing

Account Based Marketing (ABM) - How You Can Ensure Success At Napier, one of the leading B2B ABM agencies, we believe that Account Based Marketing is a fantastic strategic approach for account awareness in which businesses can approach individual prospects or accounts. What benefits can ABM bring you? An opportunity to get personal Higher chances to acquire targeted clients…

Email Marketing Benchmarks for 2019

Email marketing benchmark reports provide marketers with valuable information about how they compare to the industry norm; so I was pleasantly surprised to stumble across Campaign Monitor’s guide to the ultimate email marketing benchmarks for 2019. With over 30 billion emails analysed across 4.2 million campaigns sent through Campaign Monitor in 2018, the report provides readers with the…

5 Reasons Why B2B Marketers are Talking about ABM

Account Based Marketing (ABM) has slowly become an increasingly important part of a B2B Marketers strategy. As the latest “shiny” marketing tactic, ABM allows you to focus on opening the doors in your targeted companies while minimizing marketing expenses. Our clients are increasingly asking about ABM, so we’ve put together 5 reasons why all B2B marketers should be thinking about ABM:……

All the CIM Lecture Notes – A Mini Marketing Course

Throughout my Chartered Institue of Marketing (CIM) qualification in Professional Marketing, I've been writing up lecture notes to give a little taster on what to expect if you're considering taking the course yourself; or if you're just looking for marketing advice on tools, models and strategies. It's a really valuable course if you are interested in marketing. I found it particularly…

More about Napier

Read On To Find Out More About We What Do... About Napier Napier is a B2B PR and marketing agency based in the heart of Chichester, West Sussex. Launched in 1984, we were one of the first agencies in Europe to specialize in the electronics market and growing to help clients in a range of B2B tech sectors. Our unique four-step approach designs and continually optimises campaigns…

CIM Lecture notes – Week 7 – Media Implementation Cycle

This week’s lecture notes will look at how the media implementation cycle fits into marketing communication planning, and how we might measure effectiveness across multiple channels.   Media implementation cycle Before diving into the media implementation cycle, we must first look at the different types of media available. Using media will support communication planning, as it allows…

Profiling Stakeholders in an ABM Campaign: Why OrgChartHub is such a Cool Tool

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is one of the hottest topics for B2B technology marketers: Get it right and the results can be almost magical. Since it was pioneered by the ITSMA, ABM has grown in adoption and impact. The ITSMA developed a seven-step process for ABM: Knowing what is driving the account Playing to the client’s needs Mapping and profiling the stakeholders Developing…

Driving Leads Through Account Based Marketing (ABM)

Client: Vicor Objective: Vicor Europe is focussing its sales activities around the customers and opportunities that have been identified as having the biggest impact on the sales and success within Europe. To support these activities, Napier recommended running an Account Based Marketing (ABM) campaign. This campaign would utilise existing content and focus some of the marketing budget…

Email Marketing in 2019: Get to Know the Marketing Trends

Email marketing has been around for decades, but as the years have gone by, the channel has become more advanced and marketing trends become an important part of any email marketers strategy. Email marketers need to stay up to date on these evolving trends and stay ahead of their competitors. Using Expertsender’s new report, we have picked out some of the highlights that we think will be…

Top 10 Tips to Deliver A Powerful B2B Email Campaign

In our digitally developing world, there’s no doubt that emails are one of the most effective ways to help build relationships with our leads. Communication through email can gather vital data to help your team boost its marketing performance and return on investment (ROI). Here are our top 10 tips to help develop, execute and maintain a powerful email campaign, which will resonate with your…

Radio Electronics Now a Part of Electronics Notes

We were recently contacted by Ian Poole, editor and owner of  Radio Electronics and Electronics Notes. He informed us of the news that Radio Electronics is now being incorporated into Electronics Notes, as Ian enters semi-retirement. Electronics Notes is a platform that has been set up to provide resources required by engineers and has been built on the success of Radio-Electronics, which…

B2B Technology Agencies Napier and Armitage Communications Merge

Napier Partnership Limited announces that it has completed a merger with Armitage Communications Limited, creating a group of three specialised B2B technology agencies comprising Napier, Peter Bush Communications and Armitage Communications. The three brands bring together an extensive portfolio of clients across a wide range of B2B technologies and industries including semiconductors,…