Strategy and metrics for ABM

Many B2B companies who are targeting high-value customers find an ABM strategy serves them better than a broad-reaching approach. A well-structured strategic plan is vital in supporting a company’s long term business plans but can also help identify metrics to measure the success of your ABM. Be sure to measure and optimize your ABM marketing campaigns to ensure they are performing well and…

Seven B2B Technology Marketing Predictions for 2019

At Napier we used to write predictions for the coming year, but have got out of the habit. This is mainly because everyone writes predictions, but also partly because B2B marketing doesn’t always adopt new trends first: as an industry, we like to use tactics that work rather than simply chase the latest, shiniest idea. Writing the predictions, and then seeing how wrong we were, was fun. So,…

Why Did Napier Invent another Planning Process for Marketing and PR?

We’re very excited about the four-step process we use to develop campaigns for clients. Seriously, even though many other planning processes have been created in the past, we have found that our approach makes a real difference to the quality of the work we deliver. Our approach uses four steps: DETERMINE, FOCUS, DELIVER and ENHANCE. This blog post explains why we felt the need to create…

EPN | Editor moves and other news

This is a summary of all of the blog posts we have written about EPN up to December 2018. EPN to close, EDN Europe moving to EBP February 13th, 2013 Reed Business Information is exiting the electronics industry (well OK, they still have an electronics email e-bulletin, but that doesn’t really count as a publication). Their licence to publish EDN Europe expires at the end of this month, and…

Electronics weekly | Editor moves and other news

This is a summary of all of the blog posts we have written about Electronics Weekly up to December 2018.   Electronics Weekly Reveal Results for Advertising Effectiveness Study November 23rd, 2018 In September 2018, Electronics Weekly completed an advertising effectiveness study to discover whether print really is a vital part of the media mix for advertisements and news.…

Danielle Robertshaw – Account Administration Executive

Danielle is an Account Administration Executive at Napier. Having previously worked in the weddings and medical industry, Danielle brings us over 10 year’s of customer service and administration experience. Danielle will support the Directors, Account Managers and Marketing specialists with account administration, varying from account work to analysis of PR and advertising campaigns. She is…

Yokogawa IA’s Maaike Goinga – Marketing Expert Interview

As part of our Marketing expert series, our sister company Peter Bush Communications interviewed Maaike Goinga, Marketing Manager at Yokogawa IA. Similar to our previous interviews, PBC asked a variety of questions to learn more about the life of our latest marketing expert:   What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies)? This year I became a Yoga teacher as it is my hobby and one…

EE Times | Editor moves and other news

This is a summary of all of the blog posts we have written about EE Times up to December 2018. EE Times Europe Returns – In Print! November 30th, 2018 At electronica Aspencore announced the “special issue” of EE Times Europe created for the show would actually be the first issue of a regular print publication. The new EE Times Europe will be published by the ICC Media team, and effectively…

Top things we learnt at INBOUND 2018

Earlier this year, I attended INBOUND – one of the best and biggest marketing conferences around.  I attended last year’s too and as always, I took full advantage of the advice and tips that INBOUND provided. One of the key sessions I went to at INBOUND this year, was ‘Content is the key to the email Inbox’. An interesting session that covered what is really needed to build trust, generate…

The Napier approach – Our 4-step process for delivering great service

WHAT? The Napier approach was designed to help ensure we deliver the best service possible to our clients. A 4-step process tailored for the B2B technology market, ensures that we are applying the right processes and methodologies. Especially when planning, but also in our daily marketing activities. This approach is a great way to stop focusing on the individual activities and start thinking…

Napier’s Marketing Tools

Napier's Marketing Tools Napier's Marketing Tools will help marketing professionals plan, execute and deliver successful B2B technology campaigns. From your website to your ROI, Google Analytics and even your MQL's, we've got you covered. Our collection of marketing tools can help marketers plan and deliver campaigns for their success. Napier’s Marketing ROI Calculator The ROI calculator…

How to use Google Analytics to track ALL of your Marketing Activities

Google Analytics is an important tool to use in digital marketing. It allows businesses to measure results of campaigns, compare data and a whole lot more. Google Analytics shows data from all channels that are pointing traffic to a website, such as: PPC, social media, direct traffic and SEO. The ability to monitor and analyse platforms pinpoints what is working well and what isn’t. Having…

Top 5 facts you need to know about Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

In many B2B organisations, Account-based marketing has become a big deal as it seems to be brought up at many conferences and in all strategic marketing discussions. We think ABM is a fantastic strategy for growth but there is an excessive amount of information floating about. Act-On states that only “43% of people have a clear definition of what ABM is. 90% of marketers believe that ABM is…

Google Analytics Link Generator

If you are using Google Analytics, then it's important that you tag all your adverts, emails and other digital campaigns with the correct coding to ensure that GA can track results accurately. Napier's Google Analytics Link Generator ensures you create a link that is in the correct format to transfer data accurately. Simply enter the details of your campaign below to get your Google Analytics…

CIM Lecture notes – Week 4 – Marketing information and research

What did we cover? This lesson was focused on marketing information/ data and research, why we need insight as marketers, and how we can use it to make better judgements and more effective campaigns. Another aspect of reviewing marketing information is the form it comes in and how we collect it, read on to learn about what we did in week 4!   Marketing information - What’s the need?……

HARTING’s Natasha Sephton-Pike – Marketing Expert Interview

Natasha Sephton-Pike, Regional Marketing Manager at HARTING is the latest marketer to take part in our marketing expert series. From Natasha's view on the biggest change to B2B Marketing in the past 3 years, to the hobbies she likes to do in her spare time, we asked Natasha a variety of questions to learn everything we could about our latest marketing expert:  What do you like to do in your…

Why Video is STILL the Future of Content Marketing

Video marketing has quickly become a key player within a marketer’s content marketing strategy. With the digital landscape shifting significantly over the last few years, marketers now have no choice but to deliver their content the way consumers want it. Yet, some marketers are still not convinced that video marketing is the way of the future. Luckily, video engagement is analysed by all the…

LinkedIn – Everything You Need to Know to Succeed

LinkedIn - Everything You Need to Know to Succeed At Napier, we know it can be hard to use B2B LinkedIn to your full advantage. With 467 million members on LinkedIn, it can be difficult to optimise your content and make your company page stand out. We understand the struggles you can face, and searching for advice on LinkedIn Marketing can sometimes feel endless. Well, look no…

CIM Lecture notes – Week 2 – Planning and buying behaviour

What did we learn? In the second week of our digital module we discussed the marketing planning process and why it’s an important part of marketing. In this lesson we also covered buying behaviour which varies with every customer. We also took a look at how influencers can have an impact on the business, or customer/ consumer such as environmental, social and political.   The…

Generating leads and positioning brand with a webinar

  Client: Vicor Objectives: To promote the Vicor brand to European Power Designers and Engineers with the promotion of a webinar To position Vicor as industry experts in power design, with specific knowledge in rail applications To generate targeted prospects that Vicor can then nurture, and ultimately sell its products to Activities: We worked with experts at Vicor to…

CIM Lecture notes – Week 1 – Marketing’s position within a business

What did we cover?  We have moved onto the next module of the CIM course (the marketing module), and begun by exploring the definition of marketing, the function of it and the role it plays within a business.  Marketing defined A main concept of marketing lies with the idea that marketing is the management of an exchange process, we exchange our goods whether it be money, products, ideas and…

Analyst Relations

Analyst Relations Analysts are the people your customers trust to tell them about your organisation. Without their recommendations, customers will be reluctant to engage, as nearly every audience with which an organisation communicates will be a consumer of intelligence produced by industry analysts. From end users and vendors to procurement departments and government bodies,…

Account-Based Marketing

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) We are the leading account-based marketing agency in B2B technology: we've probably already targeted your target customers! Why waste money marketing to organisations that will never be major customers. Get your marketing and sales working together to target your time and money to the audiences likely to generate the biggest returns.…

Working with Napier

What's it like to be a Napier client? Well of course we'd say it's the most wonderful experience. But perhaps the following information will help give you a better idea. Your Team You'll be allocated an account team with a lead account manager. Some clients like to run all projects through the account manager, while others prefer to talk directly to the team members. Either approach is fine…

CIM Lecture notes – Week 6 – Digital marketing plan models (Your planning tool kit!)

What did we cover? As the due date for our coursework was quickly approaching, this lesson was spent recapping on multi-channel campaigns and the models we have worked on throughout the units. We also looked at how exactly, we can in-corporate these into a digital marketing plan.   Customer Journey To understand the customer journey, you must investigate the different touch points that…