The moment we’ve been waiting for – our zest for PR is celebrated at the Petroleum Economist Awards

Never in my three and a half years at Armitage Communications have I experienced such a build-up of emotions in such a short time. Over the last three weeks, there’s been an underlying tension building. Will we, won’t we? It’s been pushed back slightly from the forefront of our minds as our client’s projects maintained front and centre stage, but all along the suspense was rising in the…

Our fave five tools for marketing digitalisation to the O&G industry

A world without oil is a world without transport, buildings, laptops, cosmetics, clothing, medication and more. Vitally important in our day-to-day lives, oil has become the most important source of energy since the mid-1950s. Yet prices fell dramatically in June 2014. This poses a problem for the Oil & Gas (O&G) industry as a whole – with prices remaining so low, how do these…

INBOUND 2017 Taught Me: HubSpot Finally Reveals the Secrets to Achieving Explosive Success on LinkedIn

Throughout my time at INBOUND, I attended several conferences surrounding a variety of subjects. This varied widely from ABM to lead nurturing, and although admittedly a few of these conferences were slowly forgotten, there were many which made a significant impact. This included the presentation on creating explosive success with content marketing on LinkedIn. Undeniably I did arrive slightly…

Vector’s Anna Barcelos – Marketing Expert Interview

Anna Barcelos, Director of Marketing at Vector Software, is the latest marketer to have been interviewed for our marketing expert series. As a marketer who has more than 25 years of experience in marketing, we were looking forward to getting to know Anna a bit better; asking her a range of questions:   What do you like to do in your spare time/hobbies? I am a very family-oriented person…

INBOUND 2017 Taught Me: Topic Clusters

INBOUND 2017; what a week. Bringing together the best of HubSpot talent along with various marketing professionals and a few big names to add some pizzazz (Michelle Obama was a personal highlight of mine). Needless to say there was some great insight to be gleaned; some exceptional content, some slightly less exceptional – which kind of reflects one of the major themes across the week, ‘doubling…

The PR Professional’s Definitive Guide to Measurement

At Napier, we are always looking at ways of measuring our PR campaigns to ensure they are effective; so we use a range of tools to make sure that we don’t miss anything! We believe evaluation is very important, and ultimately the key to producing a successful campaign. AMEC, ICCO and the PRCA have combined their extensive knowledge on campaign evaluation and produced the latest edition of the…

Attribution… the Key to Understanding the Potential and Impact of our Marketing?

This week at Napier we are taking a look at the State of Marketing Attribution Report 2017, produced by AdRoll. AdRoll believes that attribution is the key to understanding the potential and impact of our marketing. When dealing with a range of campaigns, it isn’t always easy to figure out what is and isn’t working in order for you to make the correct decisions regarding your business!  We are…

Personalised Emails are the Way Forward according to Experian Marketing Services

At Napier, we were recently talking about how things in marketing seem to be changing rapidly. But when we took a moment and began discussing personalization we realised this wasn’t always the case. Back in 2013,  Experian Marketing Services  released their 2013 Email Market Study report, which formed an analysis of growing trends, stats and proven best practises for how marketers connect with…

The Top 15 Things We Learnt at INBOUND 2017

Recently, Napier took a trip to Boston to attend the HubSpot INBOUND conference held from the 25th-28th September 2017. As the biggest INBOUND conference HubSpot has held to date, we took full advantage of the advice and information which was offered to us throughout the event. We returned home with an overload of information, inspiring us to write the top 15 things we learnt at Inbound 2017.……

Imagination’s Jo Ashford – Marketing Expert Interview

As part of our Marketing expert series, we interviewed Jo Ashford, Technology Communications Manager at Imagination. Similar to our previous interviews, we asked a variety of questions, to learn everything we could about our latest marketing expert.  What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies)? I’m a keen baker in my spare time, something which my colleagues, friends and family…

Online Display Advertisement Performance: Size Doesn’t Matter

As the B2B Industry has developed and grown over the years, the way marketers and professionals approach advertising has had to change. In a new world, where internet advertising is a vital part of the marketing mix, the performance of online display adverts can be crucial to companies who are trying to reach their advertising goals. We conducted a study with the University of Chichester,…

Niroshan Rajadurai – The Second in Our Series of Marketing Expert Interviews

Niroshan Rajadurai, Executive Vice President of EMEA and ANZ at Vector Software, is the second interviewee in our marketing expert series. From his 3 biggest marketing challenges to his favourite hobby, we wanted to learn everything about our latest marketing expert.   What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies)? I enjoy playing cricket, reading business and technology…

Rachael Penfold – Media Analyst

Rachael is a Media Analyst at Napier, having previously worked in an International/Exporting role within the Greetings and Giftware industry. Rachael is an experienced administrator with over 20 year’s experience in customer service and administration roles. Rachael assists our clients with their PR activities and specific campaigns, by monitoring and evaluating the coverage we achieve for…

David Wright – The First in Our Series of Marketing Expert Interviews

David Wright, European Marketing Communications Manager for Microchip, is the first interviewee in our series of marketing experts. We asked him a variety of questions, first looking to get to know the man behind the marketing expert. We asked him: What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies)? I like DIY, watching football, going to concerts. What football team do you like?…

Tip Sheet Explains the Facts and Figures of Video Content Marketing

Video content has been growing steadily over the last years, and has quickly become a must for B2B businesses. A massive 93% of marketers now use video in their campaigns, with 92% watching B2B videos online. As no stranger to creating video content marketing, with our own Napier YouTube channel, we decided it was time to address the vast amount of data that explores the continual yearly…

Why the hell should we do advertising?

Advertising and Cost. Two words that can make any marketer shudder, as they cower in their chair with fear. Yet, is the cost really that high? A clever, and effective campaign executed efficiently, will do nothing but create appreciation, as a campaign stands behind values and meanings close to not only existing customers, but also a further reaching consumer base. When you take into account…

Why Should you Bother with Social?

As social media continues to integrate itself into our everyday lives, the importance of incorporating social into business, B2B or otherwise is clearly becoming apparent. Social media continues to open new doors and opportunities, making businesses struggle with the sudden importance of having a social media presence. Often businesses can be wary of social media, believing it can be a time…

It’s official – Napier is one of the Top 10 B2B PR Agencies in the UK

Napier has been listed as one of the top 10 B2B PR Agencies in the UK. The ranking forms part of B2B Marketing’s annual Benchmarking report which offers a guide to the UK’s leading B2B Marcomms and PR Agencies. In recent years Napier has been climbing the rankings in a number of bench-marking reports, having previously been ranked in the top 40 UK agencies list and named as one of the top 10…

Chapter 4 – Marketing Automation Mistakes eBook – Marketing Funnel and the Buyers’ Journey

Here's the latest chapter from our eBook, catch up with chapter 1, chapter 2 and chapter 3 now. To create effective marketing automation campaigns it’s important to understand the various stages that potential customers go through, from the very first interaction with your brand to the most important goal, conversion, and all the way to loyalty and becoming a brand evangelist. This process is…

A year in the life of an Apprentice Ambassador

What a year! Since completing my apprenticeship in June 2015, I have received four awards; two CIM certificates, presented on the radio, addressed over 300 apprentices at a graduation ceremony and even met the Prime minister at No.10! – how did I get so lucky? Humble Beginnings It all started in May 2015, myself and Mike were presenting at the local FSB Apprenticeship Event, a member of the…

Chapter 2 – Marketing Automation Mistakes eBook – Lack of integration with CRM systems

In this post we give you the second chapter of our Marketing Automation Mistakes eBook. Missed the first chapter? Read Chapter 1.  here. Marketing automation and customer relationship management systems (CRM) are complimentary tools and help to keep sales and marketing teams connected, so it’s crucial they work well together. Without integrating your marketing automation software and your CRM,…

Chapter 1 – Marketing Automation Mistakes eBook – Wasting Marketing Automation Software Potential

Many marketers are interested in Marketing Automation and out of the questions we're asked most often, the topic of Marketing Automation is always high on the list. From our discussions, its obvious that many people still don't fully understand Marketing Automation (or have misconceptions) and are therefore not utilising it to it's full potential and not seeing the results they were hoping for.…

Even electronics engineers can’t avoid social media!

The Mind of the Engineer survey 2016, revealed results that everyone at Napier expected: an increase in the use of social media. As the world continues to become digitalized, many no longer have a choice, and it is expected to use digital tools to help yourself learn, and expand knowledge on a new subject. Mobile consumption of technical data has seen a huge rise in the last two years, with…

How does LinkedIn Perform for B2B Businesses?

LinkedIn has gone a long way since it launched. From a tiny professional networking site it has become a strong marketing force. Most B2B companies use social media to gather leads. According to HubSpot’s research data – social media is one of the best three resources for lead generation, with small companies being twice as likely to get leads from social media than large companies.…

Multi-Lingual Competition Website for element14

We're proud of our work, and a recent project we completed for our client, element14, is a great example of what we can do. Just over three months before the show opened, we were asked to think of ideas for campaigns to be launched at electronica 2016. One of the projects we devised was a competition to "Change the World" using products sold by Farnell element14. This competition needed a way…