Technical Copywriting

We create copy that demands attention. We’re creative, appealing and engaging. Our technical copywriting clearly conveys the key messages about your product, service or business. We understand great B2B copywriting is integral to every PR and marketing campaign. Our in-depth understanding of technologies, applications and target markets means we can quickly deliver high quality written content that is effective across all your marketing communications activities. Our knowledgeable writers need the minimum of client input meaning your messages can get to work and reach your audience faster.

Whether it is preparing a product press release, researching and writing a case study, blogging on a frequent basis, writing a feature article or producing a newsletter, Napier is a technical B2B copywriting agency that creates crisp factual copy in your customers’ language. We have a team of writers with backgrounds in key B2B markets who offer insight, expertise and compelling story-telling. Our writers include engineers and journalists who deeply understand the needs of your audience.

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about”
– Benjamin Franklin

Our copywriting services

A technical copywriting agency with services that range from advertising copy to detailed technical white papers. Projects include:

  • Press releases
  • Technical articles and case studies
  • Comment and opinion articles
  • White papers
  • Website copywriting
  • Ad copy
  • Blog posts
  • Social media
  • Application notes
  • Brochures and collateral
  • Search engine optimized text

More than 25 different languages

Successful communication of your message demands not only accurate technical writing but also technical translations that take into account local editorial, legal and cultural differences. As a multi-lingual copywriting agency, our in-house language skills and network of qualified technical translators allow us to work in more than 25 different European languages. Our translators have specialist technical knowledge in sectors such as electronics, telecommunications and industrial engineering sectors. Whether you need compelling copy for your website, technical text for your data sheets or an inspiration for your social media posts, the Napier team has it covered.

How we deliver the service

The key to ensuring copy will be great is finding the right author for each piece. Napier has a large number of technical writers and we take great care to match the right person to each project, ensuring you work with an author who has the background, knowledge and enthusiasm to create engaging and compelling copy for your audience.
Our translators are also carefully matched, ensuring your message is as strong in other languages as it was in the original English text. Our network also includes writers who can create copy directly in a wide range of European languages.

What makes us different

  • A technical copywriting agency with many years of experience generating content for our clients, we have a deep understanding of what will resonate with your audience.
  • Our in-house mix of marketing and technical expertise is unique and allows us to conceive and write any content from simple adverts to technical white papers.
  • We generate content on over 25 different European languages, allowing you to reach every market.

Case Studies

Developing Thought Leadership and Showcasing Client Products

Securing coverage across top European automotive, electronics and testing publications

Increasing SEO Value and Traffic with Content

“The calculator really transformed a simple feature on battery life into something much more interesting that got us both SEO value and PR coverage.”