Throughout my time at INBOUND, I attended several conferences surrounding a variety of subjects. This varied widely from ABM to lead nurturing, and although admittedly a few of these conferences were slowly forgotten, there were many which made a significant impact.

This included the presentation on creating explosive success with content marketing on LinkedIn. Undeniably I did arrive slightly skeptical, wondering whether this talk would be truly helpful, or spout the same thing we’ve all heard before.  In fact, I was amazed at how helpful and informative the presentation was, and I left with a whole new view on how to approach content marketing on LinkedIn in the future.

The presentation in question was held by Viveka von Rosen, co-founder and Chief Visibility Officer of Vengreso, the largest full spectrum digital social selling provider in the world. Viveka is also known as a contributing expert on LinkedIn, with over 10 years of LinkedIn experience.

Viveka began with the obvious, highlighting how LinkedIn publisher helps build engagement, and revealing the most popular type of content people share on LinkedIn. These included:

  • ‘How to’ Posts
  • Posts with ‘Tips’ in the Title
  • Top Ten Lists
  • Research Focused Posts
  • Infographics

This type of content encourages the audience to share, read and most importantly take notice. A new feature on LinkedIn has also increased the chance of engaging your audience, with the announcement of the LinkedIn video feature. Although it is only available via mobile phone, this new feature is bound to increase engagement, not only within the B2C sector but the B2B industry as well.

After this encouraging news, I sat with my pen in hand, ready to learn the tips needed to improve our content marketing on LinkedIn, and more importantly how to implement them to ensure success.

Customize your Content

Customizing your content is vital to engaging your audience. Without knowing the interests of your targeted audience your content could be missing all the right spots.

Correcting this is simpler than it may seem, by purely asking what your audience wants. Whether this is through an update, email, or on your social media channels, this is a good way to grasp what content your audience is searching for.

Fortunately, this doesn’t mean all content needs to be created from scratch. Often existing content can be altered or updated and used again, a clever way to get the content you need uploaded on LinkedIn as soon as possible.

Article Writing

When publishing on LinkedIn publisher, it can be hard to know whether your article is going to be a success. These tips will ensure you will never have to worry again:

  • Larger articles with words between 500 – 10,000 are in fact the most popular.
  • E-books are a big hit on LinkedIn, with bigger articles published having achieved more success.
  • Call-to-actions are vital within an article. They give clear guidance to the reader of where they should go next or where they can learn more.
  • Use Cohesive and Strong visuals. This will instantly draw attention to your article.
  • An additional bio at the bottom of your article is significant. Providing information about yourself and your company, means you offer crucial information to your audience, making it easy for them to contact you with any questions.
  • Post your article on LinkedIn Publisher but also as a normal LinkedIn post. By changing the introduction and conclusion on one post, you technically have two different pieces of content which gets double the exposure.

Share, Share, and Share Again

HubSpot also revealed a ‘Ninja Trick’ for achieving explosive success on LinkedIn for content marketing.

One of the main benefits of LinkedIn, is that there is no limit to the amount of times you share your posts. One of the best things you can do for your content is share and then share again. For both articles and normal posts, it is highly recommended to share as many times as you see fit.

The sharing doesn’t have to stop there though. On LinkedIn once you have published your article, you can click on the article and copy the URL from the pop up window. This allows you to take the URL to other social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, and promote your article through posts on these sites.

This ‘Ninja Trick’ provides the opportunity for you to increase the awareness of not only your content but also your company and what you represent.

To Conclude…

At Napier, we take immense pride in our LinkedIn page, and work hard to ensure we are continually improving. After attending the HubSpot INBOUND event, and in specific this fantastic presentation, we are excited to begin putting these tips into practice and watch the Napier LinkedIn become even more successful.


Why not take a look at other posts in our INBOUND 2017 Series?





  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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