As a marketer you are often faced with a combination of problems that are your responsibility to fix. The marketing world is filled with tips and tools that all promise to solve your problem instantly; but at Napier we know this is often not the case.

It can be overwhelming when faced with advice from several sources that all tell you different ways on how to improve your SEO or the things you must include when creating a persona. But what happens if you are given access to tools that allow you to find the solution for yourselves?

Napier’s Toolbox – a collection of the most important marketing tools is the answer to your problems.

We’ve created the best tools to help you in all aspects of marketing. From your website, to your ROI and even your MQL’s, we’ve got your covered.  Our toolbox includes:

Napier’s Marketing ROI Calculator

ROI is often a marketer’s top priority, and when creating a campaign, it is one of the most important outcomes to calculate. Our ROI calculator allows you to calculate the potential increase in profit and ROI for a campaign where you can estimate its impact on the sales funnel.

For three simple steps on how to use the calculator it to its full potential read our blog.

B2B Persona Creator Tool

As customers continue to grow and change, it can be hard for marketers to pinpoint exactly who they want to target. A persona is so important because it allows you to create a targeted campaign, with the right content and the right approach; ensuring the most successful possible outcome.

Our B2B Persona Creator Tool allows you to develop B2B personas for a specific campaign, and truly understand your target audience from the beginning. All you need to do is answer the questions provided, sit back and watch the tool do the work for you.

To understand about the value of personas, read our post ‘Buyer Persona’s – Why are they so Important?’

MQL and SQL Definition Tool

As a marketer it can often be hard to determine the difference between a MQL and a SQL, with the biggest question often being asked ‘when should I hand over to sales?’ With so many different versions of a MQL and a SQL, it can be hard to know what these terms mean for your company.

Our MQL and SQL definition tool allows you to identify what information and behaviour qualifies your leads for either marketing or sales.  The tool will then provide an easy to read breakdown of what information determines whether they are a MQL or a SQL.

For more information on how use the tool to its full potential, read our blog.


  • Hannah Wehrly

    Hannah is Director of Business Development and Marketing at Napier. She has a passion for marketing and sales, and implements activities to drive the growth of Napier.

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